Household of Promise

31 May 2019

Psalm 127, Ruth 4:9–17, Hebrews 3:1–6

If we were to judge by Psalm 127, it would seem that God does everything, yet we know that it isn’t the case. “Unless God builds the house” is more along the lines of God building up or establishing, sustaining and encouraging, not God literally building the house. It seems obvious, but for many, it isn’t. There is also the reality that sometimes God allows a “bad” house (or ) to survive (think of the majority of David’s descendants) because of a made.

In fact, this promise is prefigured through Ruth’s and Boaz’s to God and the Law. Through them the people of Israel received David. Through that same line (a promise made by God to David that his line would continue) was born. In fact, the ceremonial words spoken at the gates to Boaz were in a way that was unimaginable to those speaking them. God established (built) a house.

The author of Hebrews alludes to the promise. He also talks about us being a household: the Household of Jesus Christ. There are requirements to being part of that household: hold on to our confidence and our .

1) When you dig deep into your , is it really based on hope? If so, on what hope is it based?

2) If your worldview is not based upon hope, how would consider yourself a member of the Household of Jesus Christ in of the words of the author of Hebrews?

3) How to the words of Psalm 127 tie into the words in Hebrews? How do the hope and confidence in Hebrews apply to Psalm 127 and Ruth?