• Wise Wisdom

    Psalm 119:121–128, 1 Kings 3:16–28, James 3:13–18

    ‌James’ words should deeply with us. His words should our conversations and even our thoughts. Let’s also be clear, and in and is rarely celebrated. Most celebrities, from actors to CEOs to politicians, are not generally known for their humility and wisdom. Humility, especially, is actually contrary to their functioning in their roles, and especially gaining their roles. It often takes a fair amount of (dishonest?) arrogance to persuade that the person in question is right for the position.

    ‌Theoretically, each should should be evaluated by their past successes and failures, yet, it just doesn’t seem to actually work that way. We Christians are often complicit in this. While we are called—whether by James, the wisdom of Solomon, or the Psalmist—to be wise, we often succumb to the world’s to follow the arrogant.

    , rivalry, slander, partiality, hypocrisy are all things James brings to mind as contrary to pure, -loving, gentile, willingness to yield, compassionate, and good deeds.

    ‌The Psalmist reminds us that we are to seek God, especially in regard to getting rid of those patterns of behavior contrary to godly wisdom. We ought to keep asking for that; this includes not getting frustrated when it doesn’t happen immediately.


    ‌Of James’ list, which one seems the easiest? Which one feels like it’s aimed at you?


    ‌God, grant us the godly wisdom you want us to have so that we can draw people to you, and to make our lives into conformance with yours. Amen.

  • Writings Valued

    Writings Valued

    Psalm 47; Exodus 24:15–18; Revelation 1:9–18 Holy scriptures have always been important. Note that the “s” wasn’t capitalized. This isn’t just the Holy Scriptures we define as the Bible (the 66 books of the Old and New Testament). This could include many things. The Apocrypha, for example, is a collection of books of Jewish origin…

  • Up and Away

    Up and Away

    Psalm 47; Ephesians 1:15–23; Luke 24:44–53; Acts 1:1–11 If you’re of a certain age, you’ll probably know the source of, “Up! Up! And away!” (Superman). If you’re of another age or particular family/church origin, you’ll probably know the song, “I’ll Fly Away”. Then there is the airline advertising slogan, “Wanna’ get away?” If none of…

  • Places for Scripture

    Places for Scripture

    Psalm 93; Deuteronomy 11:18–21; Mark 16:19–20 “Place these words…on your heart” and then fast forward to “…they went out and proclaimed the message everywhere.”One of the little truths about this passage in Deuteronomy is the very simple tool given that many turned into a soulless rule or merely room decor. God directed that God’s word…

  • The First Rule Isn’t One

    The First Rule Isn’t One

    Psalm 93; Deuteronomy 11:1–17; 1 Timothy 6:13–16 Our common reaction, even as we get older, is that “rule” was made to make my life harder, or limit my freedoms, or something else. Of course, in our current era, you may have immediately turned to face masks or even the potential of some sort of requirement…