Tag: guilt

  • Blazing a Way

    Blazing a Way

    Nehemiah 9:1-31

    “It’s not our fault!”

    That is proclaimed so much by so many about slavery, racism, poverty, etcetera…and they’re right. Yet, here we have the example of the Jews. It was the fault of their ancestors. However, their ancestors were dead.

    All things new

    Often, you cannot figure out the right way without figuring out the wrong way. Confessing the wrongdoing of one’s predecessors isn’t taking responsibility for it (i.e., guilt and shame for what they did). So what? Now is the time to forge a new path. Granted, the Jews of Nehemiah’s time were the descendants of those who rebelled against God. Yet, at least I can see a recognition that this confession is also a warning to themselves that this could befall them, too.

    This passage in Nehemiah really causes me to pause and think about today in the US with our laser focus on our individuality. Perhaps our personal confession is too much about ourselves and not enough about .

    Ours to Confess

    In the Lutheran tradition (especially during Lent), the following is spoken by the church body:

    Most merciful God,
    we confess that we are in bondage to and cannot free ourselves.
    We have sinned against you in thought, , and deed,
       by what we have done, and by what we have left undone.
    We have not loved you with our whole ;
    we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves.
    For the sake of your Son, Christ, have on us.
    Forgive us, renew us, and lead us, so that we may delight in your will and walk in your ways, to the of your holy .

    Our Forging

    We are being forged. It sounds impressive until you recognized the forging process. Tossed in a hot furnace until you’re so hot that you almost melt. Put onto a hard surface and hit with a hammer, and maybe bent with tongs. If that’s not enough, you might be tossed back into the furnace and brought back out, and hit/bent some more. Then you’re tossed into a vat of oil or water to cool off. If you come out warped, enjoy the next trip through the furnace.

    I’m not sure about you, but somehow that sounds kind of like now (and the previous couple of years).

    Forging Expectations

    As a white, middle-class, middle-aged male, I could be threatened by the riots, the challenges to my faith, the challenges to the church, the challenges to “my” culture. I might even feel threatened (or insulted) that people think that their understanding of each of these things actually represents who I am.

    Or, I follow the example of Nehemiah and the Jews. I could confess that those who went before weren’t perfect, made mistakes, and even did things I believe are wrong. I’m not taking their guilt upon my shoulders, for that is not mine to bear.

    However, leaving the wrongs things wrong just because they’re someone else’s fault is…wrong. And, because we are called to love others…it is often sin.

    Sin, From a Certain Point of View

    As someone from the Wesleyan theological , the Lutheran confession of being in bondage to sin is irksome. It rubs me the wrong way. It superficially violates much of our understanding of being freed through Christ and can be seen to conflict with Entire Sanctification (aka, Perfection).

    We are in bondage to sin. Yes, I said it. Yet, it may not be our sin that we are in bondage to, but the sin of others. I am kind of “wrecked” (in a good way) with this. It transforms (in hopefully a Christ-like way) my thinking in regards to the concept of institutionalized racism and even the gap between wealthy and poor.

    We are the church. Being free to follow and fulfill the love of Christ is our holy calling.

  • Sackcloth and Ashes

    Sackcloth and Ashes

    Psalm 115; Ezra 9:5–15; John 16:16–24

    Collective has been on the top of many lists in the last year. Regardless of your political, philosophical, or religious of the collective guilt issues, it does allow us to better understand the pressure that Ezra felt…somewhat.

    Ezra was trying to make up for generations of sin against God. Granted, with the wages of slavery, it’s not as if the US doesn’t have its own weight to bear. Yet, it is not the same insofar as the US is not Israel (whether ancient or modern). There were expectations of ancient Israel that they chose not to follow. The were clear. They forgot God and disregarded God so much that they followed false gods made of metal and/or wood.

    Ezra knew that there really was no way to “make up” what had occurred. The order of Ezra’s actions should be noted. Ezra “ended” his penitential acts and THEN prayed to God, asking for forgiveness and acknowledging that it would only be by God’s will, grace, love, mercy, and grace that the Israelites could be forgiven.

    While many reject the US guilt-debt, the guilt-debts are really quite small in comparison to all the guilt and shame we bear because of our personal, family, and corporate sin (this is not to belittle them). As an overly individualistic culture, we object to being held to account for something we think we have no responsibility for. Perhaps it is not the US collective guilt that will be the big turning point for the US and the church. Perhaps it will be the recognition that scripturally we do have corporate responsibilities, and it is our individualistic framework that has led us to ignore them.

    This continues to be a cultural time of learning. We are learning about ourselves (both good and bad). We are learning about others (again, both good and bad). It’s not as if this is particularly different than how it should be. The exception is that the world is holding a mirror to the church, and the church doesn’t like what it sees. One might argue that the world is holding up a distorted mirror, except that much of the church sees the same distortion as the world.

    This pain that we are feeling is one of and birth. The old self must die. The new one must come alive.

    Out of pain, despair, and being overwhelmed, many are understandably asking God, “what next?” It could be regarding finances. It could be about loving and serving your neighbor. It could be about what’s next for “the church”. It could be how to be more like Jesus.

    Jesus told his disciples that they wouldn’t for anything from God when Jesus left. This is the true gift of the Holy . When we are fully in tune with God through the (rather than wants, desires, and even needs), then we don’t need to ask for anything for we will already be in the midst of God’s will, plan, and action.

    The most dangerous thing to both our individualistic notions and our corporate notions is when we pray to be in God’s will. When we ask that in Jesus’ name and mean it from the , we begin to our will to God’s…and that truly is only the beginning.


    What is your perspective of collective guilt? What brings you to that?How are collective and personal guilt different? How are they the same?


    Lord, our initial turn to you included our repentance. We know that as fallible beings, repentance needs to be a constant companion. Guide us into perseverance and humility to be people who pursue your in the face of our unrighteousness. Amen.

  • Restoration


    Psalm 95; Micah 7:8–20; Mark 14:26–31

    In this passage in Micah, Zion is the personification of Jerusalem and the Promised Land. Zion also takes on the aspect of the people themselves. What is interesting is that Zion proclaims in regards to God, but the actual people weren’t open to that way of thinking.

    The recognition that the consequences of destruction are well-earned is also something many of the people would not understand. If we are honest with ourselves, none of us like the negative consequences of our actions. We only want the positive ones.

    The poetic hyperbole of the rebuilding of Zion is about the speed of versus the speed of falling into one’s own mire. God gave the descendents of Israel plenty of time to allow themselves to descend into the mess of their own making. God also gave them plenty of time to . They chose not to.

    God still them, though, just as God still loves us even when continue to do things that God does not want us to do. That is the beauty and the in the poetic rebuilding of Zion. In many respects, we can see a resemblance to what occurs when a person first truly gives their to Jesus Christ. Restoration! Restoration of our with God is always there waiting for our surrender.

    When the disciples made such sure and quick promises to Jesus that they would never betray him, their words were honest to the best of their understanding. However, once the hard times came, they quickly ran away (granted, after today’s verses). They were truly overwhelmed by the (, religious, cultural, and political) that came to take Jesus.

    They made a rash proclamation and broke it quickly after. Jesus still came and restored the relationship. Restoration is always around the corner.


    • How has God restored you? Can you recall how many times? What lessons were learned from them? What person or people were common in any of these experiences (whether individuals or roles)?
    • What does this tell you about God? What does it tell you about yourself?


    Lord, under your grace and , we are always under construction. Thank you for working on us. Help us to surrender each wall, door, or room of our hearts that is not like you. Amen.

  • We Love Talking About It

    We Love Talking About It

    1 Samuel 15:7–15; Acts 5:1–11

    Every pastor’s favorite sermon topic is tithing/giving. Every pastor absolutely loves talking about you are to give freely to God by giving to the church and other missional activities.

    In case you’re wondering, that was sarcasm. Most pastor’s hate it. And, most people hate hearing it, because they often feel guilty about it. Hatred of the topic may be a veneer over the fear of Christianly dealing with money.

    John Wesley had a famous sermon on money. From it was gained a saying, “… all you can… all you can…Give all you can….” Part of the problem with this saying is all the “…” that are part of it. They show that there is far more than just these 12 words. The context of each set of 4 words makes a lot of difference in how one interprets them.

    “All you can” is the real crux of the issue. “All you can” at what cost? John Wesley had a distinct moral code regarding “Gain all you can.” Some of today’s business owners might be okay. might not. Still others would not be able to figure it out.

    John Wesley was concerned that people who sought to gain would do it at the expense of others. In many respects, we could call capitalism with a heart. On the other hand, we could view it as capitalism with a long view for the benefit of humanity.

    If the long view of a business, and its profit, is for the benefit of humanity, that’s a good start. Destroying the environment would be harming God’s creation, so it would fail Wesley’s test, too. Much of our modern profiting, though, is a lot grayer.

    Saving is the next thing. Saving is not hoarding. Saving is more along the lines of protection of the wellbeing of one’s family and self. Hoarding is gathering as much as one can and preventing others from gaining.

    In John Wesley’s era, far too many people owed money. It was a way of life. For some, it was the only way to feed their families. Today we think of credit card debt, home mortgages, student loans, and car loans. The amount of most of those loans could have been greatly reduced with good and a willingness to delay gratification. This is (for example) one area that the Church could be both a better witness of action and of prophecy.

    “Give all you can” can be a trip. Often, even those of us in the Wesley tradition use it or perceive it as more of a guilt scale. Wesley, while big on charity, didn’t seem to be particularly guilt-driven. However, by some accounts, he failed the “save all you can” for his family, for he gave all he could.

    Gain(earn)/save/give is a balancing .

    Many Christians are like Saul. “Oh, I’ll give the difficult or unwanted stuff to God.” Sounds like many people who give broken stuff to a church. The church then often must pay to dispose of it. Saul turned a commandment from God into we’ll benefit, oh, and maybe God will like a little bit, too.

    The path of Ananias and Sapphira was “look at what we did. We gave everything (oh, except that part we kept back).” They wanted the accolades about the total , rather than just giving freely and joyfully. If they’d given 90% and kept 10% and were honest about it, everything would have been fine.

    Far too many preachers (and non-profit type) folks about a person’s checkbook as the litmus test. It isn’t. It would be nice if the 10% rule (from the time of Israel) had been sufficient. It wasn’t. When a person has a rule (10%), the heart doesn’t have to go along.

     It is the motive behind our use of money that is the point of tithing and giving.

    God created the world. God already has the money (as if God needed it). God wants our heart.


    • When a church or non-profit person starts talking about money, what’s your first ? How about an entrepreneur, investor, banker, or politician?
    • What is so captivating about money and stuff?


    Jesus, may you be the Lord of our heart. May the spirit of mammon in us be overwhelmed and transformed by the of Holy Spirit. Amen.

  • Message Over Mammon

    Message Over Mammon

    Luke 10:1–9; 2 Corinthians 12:1–14

    There are many people who attract attention naturally. Some do it with mere charisma. Some do it with . do it with the words (positive and negative).

    There are others that do it out of gain. Whether it is to gain the attention of people or to feel power, or (all still people-based, really), gaining attraction to puff oneself up isn’t Christ-like.

    When Jesus sent out the 72 disciples he gave an interesting direction: don’t change houses. In other words, if you were invited into a house in a town, stay at that house until you leave the town. As they were representatives of the famous prophet, they would likely be treated well. It might even mean that people would compete for their presence.

    The concern with this is that the message would lose weight as the disciples would go from house to house. What gravitas would the “” have if its disciples (emissaries, ambassadors) traipsed from one place to another following the food and the sandal-licking (they didn’t have boots, then). If people competed over the fame and flattery of having one of the disciples, would they really care about the message?

    The next concern would be the effect upon the disciples. Being “wined and dined” could have a potentially huge negative effect on their spiritual growth and their witness. It could even lead to some of the same bullying behavior of the Jewish religious leaders. That would have been very bad.

    We see how it did evolve through Paul’s letter to the Corinthians. The “super” apostles were, it seems, spiritual abusers. They -tripped people to give more money. Based on Paul’s language, the super-apostles used language that implied that the Corinthians were being spiritually blessed by them (the super-apostles) so much money.

    When Paul apologizes that he didn’t for money or to be taken care of, there is a realization that the Corinthians had been hoodwinked. They had bought wholeheartedly into the swindle of the super-apostles. In so doing, they lost the vision of the .

    By succumbing to the words of these super-apostles, they reattached the chains of bondage. Paul was heartbroken. The of the message of in Christ had been lost.

  • Discipl…


    Psalm 94; Proverbs 13:18; Matthew 18:15–17; 2 Corinthians 13:1–4

    is a buzzword these days. In church circles, digital and , there are regular (and worthwhile) conversations about discipleship. There are fancy names such as “discipleship pathway” or “growth tracks” or any number of others. All of them are one of many ways to think about and to name the daily work of becoming more like Jesus.

    Sunday School was quite the thing at many points in church history. John Wesley, the “grandfather” of the Church of the Nazarene denomination, was a great proponent of it. Some would claim that John Wesley’s desire to serve and educate the poor led to the opportunity (with failures and ) of public schools to educate all the children, not just the rich and powerful ones.

    As the cultural seasons have changed, however, the of the knowledge imparted has become apparent. In following the Enlightenment’s path, knowledge of facts began to override relationship with Jesus. This led to intellectual assent of the Savior with hearts that were cold.

    The Holiness has long held that the true path of the Christian life is to become more like Christ. Yes, that is a high standard. One doesn’t do much if one aims low. The focus on discipleship would seem to fix the missing pieces. Except…

    Discipline comes from the same root as . This is not coincidental. To be a disciple requires discipline. We often think Jesus’ 12 Disciples weren’t that disciplined (impetuous Peter and corrupt Judas Iscariot often come to mind). They walk with Jesus for as long as 3 years. That simple action is one of discipline.

    Often, we “soften” discipline by saying “spiritual disciplines”, being , reading scripture, , fasting, fellowship, giving, and other depending on whose list you read. The spiritual disciplines are good and helpful to build up your Christian walk. They should not be ignored or dismissed. However, there is one aspect of being transformed into the likeness of Jesus Christ that we, especially we individualistic Americans, don’t like…the other discipline.

    This is a hard topic in many churches. Pastors don’t really want to talk about it. Most people don’t want to about it. Individualistic tendencies have created a monster that the people of the church will have to fight. Of course, they/we are the monster we have to fight.

    Church discipline, that of correcting a member, is not something ever done lightly or without and discernment. We have all heard horror stories of church discipline gone wrong, emotionally harming and spiritually devastating people. None of us want that.

    The true depth of discipline is among fellow believers who hold one another accountable, not to shame or guilt them, but to be the tools by which a person is transformed into the likeness of Christ.


    1) What disciplines are you following to become more like Jesus?

    2) Who is involved in your sharpening and discipline? Whose walk are you involved in to sharpen and be a tool of discipline?

    3) Why do you think discipline and disciplines (i.e., “spiritual”) have been separated from being a disciple?


    Jesus, let your Holy Spirit guide us and shape to be followers and do-ers of your will. Amen.

  • Kinda Stuck

    Kinda Stuck

    Kinda Stuck

    7 September 2020

    Leviticus 4:27–31; Leviticus 5:14–16; 1 John 1:6–10

    When we talk about sin, we often operate with the presumption of commission of sin. In other words, we did something. There is also the sin of omission. In other words, what we didn’t do.

    The morning confession in the Book of Common Prayer reads
    Most merciful God,
    we confess that we have sinned against you
    in thought, , and deed,
    by what we have done,
    and by what we have left undone.
    We have not loved you with our whole heart;
    we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves.
    We are truly sorry and we humbly repent.
    For the sake of your Christ,
    have mercy on us and forgive us;
    that we may delight in your will,
    and walk in your ways,
    to the glory of your Name. Amen.

    In many respects, this confession is hard, because in it we confess that we are not loving God and as God has called us to do. On the other hand, this confession is freeing, as we aren’t required to go down all the items we messed up on (and some days that can be quite a lot).

    When we read Leviticus, we can often get bogged down in all the rules. Yet, if you read the rules in today’s verses, there is grace in them. In them, while the rules regarding are stringent, at the same time there is the recognition that someone may not recognize the act while in the middle of committing it.

    We all make mistakes. Sometimes those mistakes are sins. Sometimes they aren’t sins, per se, but still hurt others. We aren’t supposed to beat ourselves up about it. We are supposed to confess, repent, and move on.

    Even in Leviticus, barring a few acts, there isn’t a “no repeat” rule. This means that God will gracefully accept our confession and repentance. While we will often continue to sin (sometimes even the same thing), if we are truly repentant in our hearts and confess, God moves on, and so should we.

    Yes, we are called to be better than we were yesterday. Being better than we were yesterday also means better to ourselves than we were yesterday. People will often continually condemn themselves about their failures. When we condemn ourselves, we are often closer to the enemy than God.

    Through the , God convicts. The purpose of that conviction is to free us from the guilt and reconcile us to God. The enemy condemns. That condemnation will often tear our hearts and souls into pieces, leading us to further separate ourselves from God.

    This is not God’s intent. Yes, we are to be aware of what separates us from God. We are to confess and work on what separates us from God. It’s hard enough to improve our walk with God, let us not help the enemy take us further away from the reconciling heart of God.


    Lord, help us be true to you through our confessions and our to you. Amen.


    1) Is there a sin or struggle in your life that you can’t seem to get a handle on, and are concerned that God just won’t let it go? Is it God, or is it you that won’t let it go?

    2) Why do we often let our mistakes and errors bind us?

    3) One aspect of the of the is from chains. How will you share with others the chains you have been freed from?

  • Here’s Looking At…

    Here’s Looking At…

    Matthew 27:1–11; John 21:12–23

    What’s that to me?

    Sounds like you have a problem.

    These and similar phrases/ are quite prevalent in our society. The first issue that they shine a light on is pride. This may not only be the pride of the responder, but it may also be the pride of the asker.

    In Judah’s case, there was definitely a desire to restore some pride. He was ashamed of what he’d done, although it might be more accurate to say that he regretted what was happening to .

    Had the priests willingly taken the silver, would that really have absolved Judas of his ? No. Would it have made him feel better? A little perhaps. The result of Judas’ , however, was going to happen.

    The priests’ , however, is even more to the point. What did this problem of Judas have to do with them? They really had to ?

    Yes, Judas came to them to offer up Jesus. From their , it seems, this absolved them of any crimes. In our day, that would still fall under a conspiracy to commit murder.

    The Scriptures are full of references of the leaders “looking for” ways to “take care” of Jesus. While Judas was the easy route, it still seems clear that the leaders were going to have their way. In other words, they were still guilty.

    What did Judas’ guilt over the silver and betrayal have to with the leaders? Nothing, and yet everything!

    When Peter asks the resurrected Jesus, what about him (John)? Like many of us, he looked around and saw someone not “experiencing” the same thing, and went, what about him?

    Jesus roundaboutly tells Peter that it is not his concern. Peter was just asked some wrenching questions (long explanation about the Greek). His anguish was probably still pretty strong.

    Jesus, however, was telling Peter to focus on the right thing. In other words, Jesus’ response was, “you’re looking at the wrong person, Peter. Keep looking at (following) me.”

    When we look to Jesus, a lot the “what about” questions go away, or at least they should. We are all working on that. We all still have a lot of those questions, so let’s look to Jesus.

    Judas was looking to Jesus as Jesus, but something (or someone) Jesus wasn’t. Judas’ plans for Jesus weren’t Jesus’ plans for Jesus. There are still people like that.

    We know the priests didn’t look to Jesus. They wanted to be rid of him. There are people like that.

    Peter looked to Jesus, but he got distracted a lot. There are people like that.


    , guide our hearts to keep looking to Jesus. Prompt us to reset ourselves, daily, hourly, minute-by-minute to look to Jesus. Amen.


    1) Have you ever asked, “what about me?” How about, “what have you done for me lately?”

    2) If you haven’t (see question 1), have you done or thought something that could be similar?

    3) How does pride affect how, when, and why people look at Jesus?