Maundy Thursday

Note: If you are reading this as group, have different people read each passage. Even more difficult, do so around a small , like a candle.

Exodus 12:1-14; Psalm 116:12-19; John 13:1-20; Luke 22:7-20; John 13:21-35 (read online ⧉)

Passover is a key, if not the key festival of Jewish . It is expected that all observant Jews participate. Jesus was no exception. Some scholars have concluded that as a Rabbi, it was expected that Jesus would host a Passover for his disciples. By no means should we that this was the only Passover they celebrated together, but it certainly was the most important for us.

Jesus humiliated himself (by the world’s standards) by washing his disciples’ feet. The sacrament of was established. The words Jesus used effectively wiping away the old . The last piece of journey to the cross is completed by Judas Iscariot. Lastly, a new commandment is given.

By tradition, the “Maundy” of Maundy Thursday is derived from mandatum, Latin for command.

“… one another. Just as I have you, you also should love one another.”
John 13:34

All of this done for love: God’s love for Israel, God’s love for the , God’s love for Creation, God’s love for you.

1. Imagine that you know a meal is your last with your loved ones, but they don’t know it. How do you think you would feel? What would you want them to know?

2. Why do you feel Jesus called the bread his body, and the wine his blood?

3. Have you ever had your feet washed, or washed the feet of others as we read? If so, what was your of that experience? If not, how do you think you would ?