Tag: discipline

  • Discerning Differences and Spirits

    2 Timothy 3:1–9, Hebrews 12:11–15 (read online ⧉)

    Every generation (so far) says of the one to follow has said at least one of the lists in 2 Timothy about the generation that follows. It’s not that there isn’t to it, yet it is not necessarily the same truth. Especially the transition from the last decade of the 20th Century to these first 2 decades of the 21st Century there is a cultural shift that is occurring simultaneously as, and even at a quicker rate than, the generational differences. This is an important concept to wrestle with. First, the generation and culture that follows are, in many respects, built upon the generation/culture that is complaining. Another way to say it, is instead of blaming them, look in the mirror and recognize our contribution. It is not that the list that Paul gives is wrong, it’s just that often we attribute to the responses of others something they aren’t actually doing because we don’t understand our differences. The differences between Western generations are similar to the foreignness of other nations.

    While we compare generational culture to this list of Paul’s, Paul really isn’t talking about the wider culture. He’s talking about Christians in particular. Many of these phrases were used by the Protestants against the Roman Catholic at the beginning of the Protestant Reformation, and some still parrot this today. Sadly, most of these same phrases can be used against Protestant Christianity and (perhaps, even especially) Evangelical Christianity. Hence the necessity to be very careful in how we apply these phrases, for the first people who should be tested by them are ourselves. Being committed to is often not even tried, because deep down we recognize that we need to be tested, and that is uncomfortable.

    The author of Hebrews acknowledges that. and being disciplined is hard. When we test ourselves, it is the Holy that disciplines us. And, just to be clear, we are susceptible here to the voices of the antichrists. They will try to tear us down. The builds up. Often the pain is the same, but the difference is that one wants to keep us down, and one wants to free us. The author of Hebrews speaks of the peaceful fruit that will result from the Holy Spirit doing the disciplining. The author of Hebrews then encourages our efforts to continue to pursue .

    The author of Hebrews then tells us the consequences of not pursuing righteousness, lameness or dislocation. The implication that we are not able to do our work. That is to be our goal, being fully (Holy Spirit) empowered followers of Christ.

    1) How do you see Paul’s list tied to the concept of lameness/dislocation as noted by the author of Hebrews?

    2) Have you ever been guilty of accusing another generation (before or after yours) of not understanding? What does that tell you about those that passed “culture” to you or the “culture” you passed on to others?

    3) A Jesus Christ-centered commitment to “test” others is hard. Have you ever made such a commitment? If so, how have you broken it? If not, what is holding you back?

  • Unmade To Become Whole

    Deuteronomy 7:7–12, Deuteronomy 8:5–6, 2 Samuel 7:11–16, Hebrews 12:3–11 (read
    online ⧉

    The way Deuteronomy 7:10 is often interpreted is as “…[God]…destroys those who hate him…” However, אָבַד (“awbad”) is also translated elsewhere in the as broken or unmade. The concept of unmade or broken, so as to be re-made or “fixed”, is much more consistent in the continuing context of Deuteronomy. It is a matter of being disciplined (and discipled), not or annihilation. Why is this important?

    Disciplining (not punishing) and discipling are acts of . The intent is to remake or reform into something new. As God is doing the remaking and reform, it is into God’s own image (unmarred by ) that Israel would be shaped. However, for disciplining and discipling to be truly effective the person (or people) being reformed and reshaped must be willing and responsive. Israel, as a whole, often was neither.

    When God tells David that Solomon will be God’s , we see a foreshadowing of the adoption that we all receive through Christ. As a son, God promised that Solomon would be disciplined when he walks out of bounds. This is not God seeking to punish, but to form. This also becomes part of the Messianic lineage that is part of Jesus. Jesus a descendant of David, whose “throne” is established forever.

    When today is when we the candle representing love, why are we talking about and discipling? The world’s concept of love cannot take into account God’s intense desire to restore us to the way we were intended to be. God knows that even at our best we will still and fall. When the author of Hebrews wrote his letter, he understood this deeply. God’s love is so deep and true that he loves us just as we are. God also loves us so much that he doesn’t want us to stay as we are.

    God’s love isn’t some weak romantic love. God’s love is deep and strong. Through Christ, we see how strong and how sacrificial God’s love is. When it is God’s love that lights the candle, no amount of will quench it.

    1) Why is it important to acknowledge discipline and discipling as part of love, especially God’s love?

    2) What is discipline? What is discipling?

    3) What are your thoughts on the concept of transformative love?

  • Tuesday after the First Sunday of Advent

    Lamentations 3:16–18, Zechariah 8:18–23, Nahum 1:15 (read online ⧉)

    In the States, is often perceived as having plenty. Peace, as many of the who walked before us learned, is not found in the plenty. It is found in the lacking. This does not mean that lacking, in and of itself, is a spiritual discipline. Not seeking more often is a spiritual discipline, however. In a country filled with plenty, there is far more than we seem to be able to acknowledge. Yes, there are those that have less than you…sometimes incredibly less than you. As many of us grew up hearing, “if you don’t eat this food, we’ll send it to…” This is an oversimplification, and (really) somewhat offensive. However, there are countries that will take the clothing that our charities (such as Goodwill and St. Vincent De Paul) won’t take because it is far better than what they have.

    This perspective becomes important when we do lose nice things when we realize that the prosperity we had is gone. The writer of Lamentations ties in this loss with peace. The writer also ties in their future and hope to this loss. The peace they lost, however, had more to do with the loss of a , rather than food, clothing, wealth, or freedom.

    Often (again, as the saints that went before us learned), the first lacking that is the most useful is food. In Zechariah, we read that the fasts will become a time of joy, again. They had become an onerous task that served no value. Yet, here the place of fasting as a time of connection with God, and setting aside comfort for God’s will is restored. Imagine having people come to you because of the of your fasting! It would not be because of your better figure (having lost weight), but it would be because of the peace you found when setting aside one of your most basic needs.

    This like all things becomes what it was intended to be when living in the of God. At the feet of peace’s herald, at the feet of God, celebration and joy. The ultimate of peace——is destroyed.

    1) Why do you think lacking helps us get closer to God?

    2) During the Christmas season, there are plenty of parties and food. Think of that in of our passages and reading. Where does that lead you?

    3) We are often attracted to the success of , and thus try to emulate their practices and disciplines. How can that be helpful? How can that be hurtful? How could it affect your relationship with God?

  • Different Not Defeated

    Obadiah 11–17, Joel 2:12–19, Luke 21:12–19 (read online ⧉)

    The problem with being a follower of is, well, being a follower of Jesus. First, it makes you different. There’s step one. Being different. We all want to fit in, but as a follower of Jesus Christ, we aren’t supposed to just “fit in” to the world. Sometimes that may mean we don’t fit into the church or even our . We don’t like that. It is uncomfortable.

    The next problem, or at least something that should be a problem, is that we aren’t liked for being followers of Christ. This doesn’t mean that we are to be unpleasant or cruel. We are to display , which we ourselves struggle with and against. There will be trials and tribulations, or there should be. That has been one of the biggest pitfalls of being in the United States. We have lost most of the tension that our faith has with the world. We have become comfortable with the world, especially as expressed in the United States. This is why we should embrace our growing discomfort in the current culture. We are beginning to rediscover the cost of being a Christian. We certainly are not at the place where Christians are being targeted programmatically. While many of our beliefs are being challenged in the culture and government, we are still free to practice our faith without .

    What gets interesting is how much of the non- and anti-religious people are beginning to gloat with their apparent victories against the faith. History doesn’t support their victory laps. The faith was practiced behind closed doors for years and flourished. We are seeing it now in other countries. The greater the oppression, it seems, the greater the growth. Obadiah’s warning to the gloaters is that they ought to be careful in their gloating. They confused and training for destruction and defeat. Sadly, so do many Christians.

    We are called to be in a healthy state of continuing repentance. It’s not as if God doesn’t already know that we messed something up. God is God. A state of ongoing repentance means that we do not think too much of ourselves and too little of others. This is how we keep ourselves from surrendering to defeat and allowing ourselves to embrace God’s discipline.

    The part that often confuses Christians and non-Christians alike is that if Jesus Christ is King, then why does all this bad stuff happen to anyone, let alone Christians? That is a great question, and if asked honestly, it is working through. That doesn’t mean we will have all the answers, nor does it mean we will have the right answers for everyone. We need to have the right answer to that question for ourselves. When we are confident in the and and of the King of Kings the power of our answers is not the facts they convey but the that is God.

    1) What do you think of the current culture compared to so-called church culture?

    2) Where do you see yourself not fitting into wider culture? Where do you see yourself not fitting into church culture? How does following Jesus affect either?

    3) What is your emotional response to apparent cultural victories over Christianity and even faith in general? What does that response tell you about yourself?

  • Witnessing Falsely

    Jeremiah 5:1–3, Mark 11:12–14, Mark 13:28

    Bearing false is a known problem. Isn’t it? Maybe not.

    In Jeremiah, those that bore false witness refused (no matter how loving and grace-filled). In fact, the implication is that they took their behavior and made it a way of , rather than an incident in life.

    What does that have to do with a fig tree?

    The fig tree was bearing false witness. The implication is that the fig tree had developed leaves indicating that there would be early summer figs. Yet, that couldn’t be, for the season was too early.

    All too often, people try to show off their improvements before they should be. A person learning a sport shouldn’t be showing off their skills for they haven’t gotten the depth of understanding, yet. It is also the same in math and so many other realms of learning.

    In spiritual matters, this is, even more, the case. Human pride, human behavior, plus the Enemy will do their collective best to tear down the gradual improvements of a maturing (no matter where/when they are on the journey). Instead of trying to put out leaves and fruit before we are , we need to wait, be , and the will cause the leaves and fruit to come. We just to maintain our connection to the source of life….

    1) Have you ever tried to rush things? What? What was the result?

    2) When you watch others try to rush things, what is your ? Why?

  • Consequential Freedom

    Psalm 75, Amos 1:3–2:8, Ezekiel 18:25–32

    While Israel is being foretold of its doom, it is probable that a great many people were responding to the prophets (and therefore, God) that God just wasn’t being fair. Why shouldn’t they be able to be “free” as the other nations?

    While the focus is on them, their sins, and their need for repentance, God tells them that the other nations that they want to be like will also be receiving consequences. The interesting part about this passage in Amos is that God repeatedly says that those nations also had a choice. Their choice was how they would fulfill their part of the of Israel. They overdid it.

    How exactly it works is a . God released the surrounding nations to Israel and Judah. However, these nations, instead of just (for example) invading, they destroyed and annihilated.

    Definitely not the intent. So, while Judah and Israel can expect some misery ahead, so can the countries around them.

    1) What does this tell us about the of God?

    2) Why is important to understand that both the “” and “not-chosen” will receive discipline from God?

    3) What is discipline when it comes from God?

  • Freedom From Earned

    Genesis 15:1–6, Romans 5:1–11, 1 John 1:5–2:2

    One of the ongoing struggles that people have is earning their . They think they can, or that they must. This is what is often called “works” in Christian circles. Theologians have discussed what “works” is from a more philosophical perspective. Some have argued that Abraham completed a “work” when he believed. Others that belief is not a work as it is not an action (especially an action to receive something in ).

    Paul follows Abraham when he states that we (Christians) have been declared righteous because of our . Because of that, we have between us and God. However, it’s what follows this that starts to cause problems for many. People will wear the costume of endurance, character, and , often treating the costume as a way (still) to earn salvation, as if faith is not enough. The other “costume” problem is that we often think of ourselves as never having enough endurance, character or hope. We then conclude we don’t have faith. This is a significant trap. If we have no improvement in the simple things, how could we hope to improve in the harder areas…like .

    There is great , if we accept in, in John’s words. There is a statement of fact: we have sinned. However, the forgiveness of our sins doesn’t rely on our effort (our works). It relies on Jesus’ sacrifice. We are to trust (i.e., have faith) that it is enough. “Works” as help us train our minds and hearts away from wrong behavior. “Works” cannot us.

    1) What good are works (yes, there is good)? What is bad with works?

    2) Why do you think it is bad to try to “earn” one’s salvation?

    3) Why do you think Paul echoed Abraham’s story? Do you think his audience connected the stories?

  • Unknowing Knowledge

    Psalm 118, Romans 5:1–5, Hebrews 12:7–13

    Patience. The old quip, “don’t pray for patience, for then God will provide circumstances that require it.”
    Endurance and patience. One is primarily a verb in scripture (Endure), while the other is a noun. In other words, they are different (scripturally) only in so far as how they are used in language.

    In English, endurance if often associated with training and stamina. Patience is more often associated with a state of mind. When we endure, however, we are actively withstanding and holding firm.

    Both and the author of Hebrews associate enduring with suffering. Paul states that endurance promotes , while the author of Hebrews views suffering and .

    It often when we endure that we are toned, whether it be physical, mental, or spiritual. Physical endurance may be because one is an athlete, or because one has a physical ailment that makes physical activity harder. Mental endurance can be school tests, task focus, or project focus. Spiritual endurance, however, is a little harder to explain, and even harder to live.

    For many, spiritual endurance is when the world attacks your , or your own inner attacks your faith. Spiritual endurance may be praying for years for the of a loved one that appears to be bearing no . Spiritual endurance may be that you feel disconnected from God, and cannot figure out how to restore things.

    Regardless, endurance only shows its on the other side of the work.

    1) There are many kinds of suffering. What kinds of suffering have you endured? Did it strengthen or weaken your faith? Why?

    2) Hope often seems to be the opposite of enduring suffering. Why do you think hope is the spiritual fruit of suffering?

    3) How does enduring suffering help build the Very Good ?