Here’s Looking At…

Matthew 27:1–11; John 21:12–23

What’s that to me?

Sounds like you have a problem.

These and similar phrases/ are quite prevalent in our society. The first issue that they shine a on is pride. This may not only be the pride of the responder, but it may also be the pride of the asker.

In Judah’s case, there was definitely a desire to restore some pride. He was ashamed of what he’d done, although it might be more accurate to say that he regretted what was happening to .

Had the priests willingly taken the silver, would that really have absolved Judas of his ? No. Would it have made him feel better? A little perhaps. The result of Judas’ , however, was going to happen.

The priests’ , however, is even more to the point. What did this problem of Judas have to do with them? They really had to ask?

Yes, Judas came to them to offer up Jesus. From their , it seems, this absolved them of any crimes. In our day, that would still fall under a conspiracy to commit murder.

The are full of references of the leaders “looking for” ways to “take care” of Jesus. While Judas was the easy route, it still seems clear that the leaders were going to have their way. In other words, they were still guilty.

What did Judas’ guilt over the silver and betrayal have to with the leaders? Nothing, and yet everything!

When Peter asks the resurrected Jesus, what about him (John)? Like many of us, he looked around and saw someone not “experiencing” the same thing, and went, what about him?

Jesus roundaboutly tells Peter that it is not his concern. Peter was just asked some wrenching questions (long explanation about the Greek). His anguish was probably still pretty strong.

Jesus, however, was telling Peter to focus on the right thing. In other words, Jesus’ response was, “you’re looking at the wrong person, Peter. Keep looking at (following) me.”

When we look to Jesus, a lot the “what about” questions go away, or at least they should. We are all working on that. We all still have a lot of those questions, so let’s look to Jesus.

Judas was looking to Jesus as Jesus, but something (or someone) Jesus wasn’t. Judas’ plans for Jesus weren’t Jesus’ plans for Jesus. There are still people like that.

We know the priests didn’t look to Jesus. They wanted to be rid of him. There are people like that.

Peter looked to Jesus, but he got distracted a lot. There are people like that.


Spirit, guide our hearts to keep looking to Jesus. Prompt us to reset ourselves, daily, hourly, minute-by-minute to look to Jesus. Amen.


1) Have you ever asked, “what about me?” How about, “what have you done for me lately?”

2) If you haven’t (see question 1), have you done or thought something that could be similar?

3) How does pride affect how, when, and why people look at Jesus?

Image courtesy of Chase Clark