Tag: healing

  • Skies and Hearts Aflame

    Skies and Hearts Aflame

    Psalm 74; 1 Kings 18:17–40; Revelation 20:7–15

    Being made a fool of for Christ is something that Christians have had to deal with through the ages. Whether it’s because of beliefs and practices that go against the norm, or the reality that Christians are just as fallen as the rest of humanity. There is, however, the question of making a fool of Christ by our actions. Bluntly, do you have the faith of Elijah?

    Do you have the , resolve, and faith to believe that God will down fires from Heaven to burn up an offering? You could quickly dissemble this question by saying, we don’t do sacrifices anymore. Except, that isn’t the point.

    We say things such as, “lighting strike me…” or “…catch on …” (literally, not spiritually) when we say or do things against God. We don’t really believe it, though. If we did, then being more like Elijah would actually be possible.

    However, we often mock people as Elijah did. Yes, there is a contextual part to Elijah’s mocking, but there often isn’t for us. We just try to make people beneath us by our responses.

    Often we view ourselves as the ones that are suffering the wrath of Gog and Magog, when in fact we are the ones acting like it. We think we are like Elijah, when in fact we are the priests of Baal.

    Just so we’re clear, I put myself in that same place. I recognize my own tendencies and failures. I recognize when I put on the clothes of righteousness, but behave in ways that are unrighteous.

    We have two paths before us. We can be Elijah, or we can be those deceived (Gog and Magog) and/or destroyed.

    Elijah did have a unique with God, and a unique responsibility given to him by God. We cannot, theoretically, call down fires from Heaven. God does not seem to work that way anymore. This also doesn’t mean that God won’t. God does work in many ways far more mysterious and wonderful (think of the ).

    Calling upon God for of people, hearts, and nations will change more than a few hearts for a short time (the Israelites, unsurprisingly, returned to their old ways). We are indeed to be this era’s Elijah. Instead of the fire of worship (which is really what Elijah called for), we are called to bring the fire of the Holy to first ourselves, then through the furnace of , bring the fire of God into the lives of …not to burn them.


    • What other responses do you have to the story of Elijah? Where else do you see yourself in it?
    • What are your thoughts regarding the fiery lake in Revelation? How does that fire contrast (if it does) to the fire of Elijah?


    Lord, you have refined us through the fire of the Holy Spirit. Help us to carry that refinement into our lives and into the world. Amen.

  • Go and (p)Reach

    Go and (p)Reach

    Psalm 4; Luke 24:36b-48; Acts 3:12-19; 1 John 3:1-7

    The disciples are still struggling with the Resurrection. You’d think they’d have accustomed themselves to Jesus being alive, but they were obviously still struggling. As part of this last appearance, Jesus explained the and His place in them. This is not the first time he did this after the Resurrection.

    This time, though, it comes with a command, to preach the Resurrection and a change of heart and life for the forgiveness of sin. This mission doesn’t start immediately. It has to until the heavenly power comes (the Spirit at Pentecost).

    Waiting in Jerusalem, however, does not mean being inactive. Peter’s healing of the lame man (Acts 3:1-10) opened the door (so to ) to begin the mission. Peter tells his listeners what it is all about, “But this is how God fulfilled what he foretold through all the prophets: that his Christ would suffer. Change your hearts and lives! Turn back to God so that your sins may be wiped away.” (Acts 3:18-19, CEB)Much later, John wrote that we have hope in Jesus as we (progressively) ourselves (so as to become more Christ-like). This reflects the changing of hearts that Jesus and Peter made known.

    Jesus’ and Peter’s declarations could also be restated as it is in Matthew 28:19–20, “…go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the , teaching them to obey everything that I’ve commanded you…” [CEB]While the passage in Matthew could be interpreted as only applying to the disciples, the passage from Luke cannot be (without serious contortions). The changed heart is also consistent across the Scriptures.

    We are all called to tell the world about Jesus, sin, redemption, and the place of changed hearts in all of that. In the current culture, we are having to how to do this well. Sadly, we are in the midst of getting rid of the baggage that we’ve been carrying, and that is painfully difficult. So much so, that most of us no longer have effective tools or methods to reach (and “preach to”) .

    In all likelihood, the Western Church will have to relearn how to live in a true and deep community. We have all become accustomed to the shallow community of the Western Church, not the Christian fellowship as described in the Scriptures.

    This does not excuse any of us from looking for opportunities to talk about the grace of Jesus Christ and the change in our hearts. Perhaps, rather than excuse it, it should drive us more.


    • Are you doing anything that resembles telling the world about Jesus in the way Jesus talks about in Luke?
      • If you are, it going?
      • If you aren’t, why not?
    • In regard to telling the world, is it your responsibility or someone else’?


    Almighty God, you gave your only Son to be for us both a sacrifice for sin and an example of godly : us grace thankfully to receive his inestimable benefits, and daily to follow the blessed steps of his most holy life; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. [Third Sunday of Easter Collect, Book of Common Prayer 2019]

  • God and Relationships

    God and Relationships

    1 Corinthians 7:25–40

    God and is a pretty big topic. First of all, we have to set our starting point. God is a relational God. God created humanity in relationship with God.

    The first was Adam. One thing to keep in mind with Adam is that according to some translators and some Jewish traditions was without gender upon initial creation. It wasn’t until the “rib” was removed from Adam that the division of gender came about. This flies in the face of much of the Christian , I understand, but it further emphasizes “two shall become one” and that it occurs (with the realm of Eden, before the fall) between man and woman.

    This seeming aside is also important as God declared that it was not good for humanity to be alone. This is peculiar in that if God is in a relationship with them, then the human wasn’t alone. Even at the point of Eden (again, before the Fall), God understood (even created) the situation that a human would need human fellowship. It’s odd to say that God wasn’t enough, yet human history shows that there is something fundamentally different in human-to-human relationship versus human-to-God relationship.

    Therefore, with all of this before us, there is a tension from the beginning of man and woman, their relationship with God, and their relationship with each other. The inherent need of humanity for relationship also extends, eventually, to fellow humans. God desires a relationship with humanity. Humanity needs relationship with humanity (even we strong introverts).

    This may seem to be a lot of preamble. Human relationships are at the core of ‘s message to the .

    We primarily focus on marriage because it is culturally (and often personally) significant. There is good reason to focus on it. There is also good reason to ignore it in these verses.

    Paul makes it clear that while he is spiritually led regarding the church and the (more at the of these verses), he also has no clear direction from the (at the beginning of the verses). This means that these verses, in particular, need to be viewed in context. Paul’s perspective is that Jesus would be returning shortly (days, weeks, months, maybe a year or so). Paul has an end-times view. Why, from Paul’s perspective, would you confuse the little remaining time in your life with that kind of intimate and focused human relationship?

    Paul writes in 2 Timothy 3:16–17, “All Scripture is inspired by God, and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in , 17 so that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” When we take context into consideration, we must also keep this passage in mind.

    Paul’s highest concern is the Corinthians’ (and our) relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Paul recognizes that often our human relationships hinder our relationship with God. This can be a result of trauma from childhood to the spouse who has changed (or us who changed). Even healthy relationships may distract or interfere with a relationship with God. An unhealthy relationship will hinder it even more.

    Our relationships with fellow humans really do deeply affect our relationship with God. One could even go so far as to say that if your relationships with humans are broken, so is your relationship with God. Yep, that one stings.


    • What human relationships did you think of as being damaged? How might those relationships inhibit your relationship with God?
    • What human relationships can you think of that are good or great? How might they inhibit your relationship with God?


     God, we often say you are first in our lives, but the human relationships in our lives sometimes say different. Grant us discernment, healing, and grace to make them be what is best regarding our relationship with you. Amen.

  • You Want This?

    You Want This?

    Psalm 62:5–12; Jeremiah 20:7–13; 2 Peter 3:1–7

    I Jeremiah’s response to God. “Lord, you enticed me, and I was taken in.” It can sound weird and somewhat creepy. On the other hand, it is also the sound of being overwhelmed by the love and presence of another. That’s a pretty neat way to think of God.

    When my and my (to-be) stepmother got together, I was a teenager, and the public displays of affections were nauseating (I don’t spare my kids). For whatever reason, the movie Bambi came to me where Friend Owl explains to Thumper that Bambi and Faline are “twitterpated.” I used that for a number of years.

    Imagine being “twitterpated” with God. Just like Bambi who was (momentarily) mocked because of his behavior, you, too can be mocked when you become twitterpated with God.

    You, like Jeremiah, can be quiet for a time. If you’re like me (as Christian, not pastor), however, “there’s an intense fire in my heart…” I have found odd and different ways to into people’s lives, and it certainly never falls in line with “traditional” evangelism.

    Just like Jeremiah experienced, and Peter forewarned, a passionate God-follower will be mocked and scorned. Of course, there is a different kind of mocking and scorn when one is rude, belligerent, unloving, unkind, and so forth. That kind of mocking and scorn is earned and should not be a of your relationship with God. That kind is not be worn as a badge of ; it is more of a cone of shame.

    We could, from the last few months, focus on the Christian cone of shame. There have been a few (too many?) devotions covering that. It is time to not be the bumper sticker, “Lord, me from your followers.” I it’s time to on.


    • Is there a burn inside of you? Why or why not?
    • Can you imagine not wanting to talk about God? Why would that be? What might you do to ?


    Lord, may we be the cold water to the thirsty and the hot and water to the hurting. Amen.

  • Mighty


    Judges 2:6–15; 2 Corinthians 10:1–11

    At this point, there are a lot of stirred up people. You might even be one of them. The question is, what really is stirring you?

    Is it a belief that the current president is a lunatic and must be destroyed (metaphorically or in reality)? Is it a belief that the current president is the that will lead the country to some sort of ?

    In the middle of this mess are Christians. Some are confused. Many are disgusted. Some champion the president. Some champion the president-elect. Theoretically, all treasure Jesus Christ as Lord.

    That’s the rub.

    One of the constant mutterings of the (on myriad “sides” of many issues) is about a Christian . A real Christian nation wouldn’t [fill in the blank]. What if we never knew what a Christian nation was? What if, there has never been a “true” Christian nation in history?

    When we look at what happens after the death of Joshua, it’s easy (and understandable) to put much of the blame on Joshua and that’s generations’ leaders. On the other hand, no one forced the Israelites to pick up the patterns of the defeated people, especially the Baal and Astarte’s .

    In far too many respects, the mythos of a Christian nation is as spiritually deadly as the mythos of an Israelite nation upon the death of Joshua (and his peers). “We are a/the [] nation.” It can become a great deceit.

    Thus, God’s is sharper than any sword. Paul’s words in letters were far sharper than his . Why? Often a letter is missing so much of the feeling and emotion of presence.

    There is a reason why emojis and emoticons have become such a part of the digital world…text only goes so far. However, sometimes the lack of emotion in the text makes it the very thing we need.

    Just as Paul’s letter to the Corinthians was one of love, his previous letter(s) had apparently earned him a reputation.

    God’s letter, the Bible, is much the same. It is God’s story to us. We do miss a lot of God’s emotions. Yet perhaps we need a lot of sharpening.

    It was my hope that we would be beyond this. It was my hope that we would be stepping toward healing. That is not the case.

    While it will be easy to point at one president or one political party, the truth is that we are as much the issue as anyone else. The truth is that we are in as great a need of God’s word shaping and sharpening us as anyone else.


    What is something in your that needs sharpening by God’s word?


    Lord, let your word shape us, and your love strengthen to be your hands, feet, and words in this world. Amen.

  • Whose King

    Whose King

    Psalm 95:1–7a; Ezekiel 34:11–24; Matthew 25:31–46; Ephesians 1:15–23

    Christ is King. We often say that to ourselves and to . The real question that we need to ask is, do we believe it?

    As the 2020 US political season wraps up, the victors and the losers each have their speeches to give, and much to reflect upon. We, too, have much to reflect upon. This isn’t just a need for the US. The entire world was watching this election.

    The harsh is political parties are not . This is by definition. Political parties’ very nature is that of the kingdom of earth. Too many people have tried to put the Heavenly mission into the earthly basket and are disappointed when it fails.

    When Ezekiel talks about God rescuing the flock from the , it certainly seems is part of the darkness. Despite often wedding ourselves to a political party, God still talks about bringing us back, healing us, and strengthening us.

    “Isn’t it enough for you to feed on the good pasture? Must you also trample the of the pasture with your feet? Or isn’t it enough that you drink the clear water? Must you also muddy the rest with your feet?” (Ezekiel 34:18, CSB)

    How much of that sounds like Christians have been treating each other? Far too much.

    Probably the biggest reason why politics don’t mesh with the is what motivates each of them. Politics are about power (yes, it should be more). The Kingdom of Heaven is about .

    One cannot bring about the Kingdom of Heaven through politics. One either loves and has power of influence, or one has power and loves little. It would be nice if the two could work together, but humanity seems incapable. Humanity certainly is incapable of any cohesion of the two without the indwelling of the Spirit.

    The Kingdom of Heaven and Jesus, the King of Heaven, should overwhelm our human earthly politics with love.


    What does it say about the depth of our when politics often overrides our faith? How does your faith inform your politics? Have you ever had the experience of choosing a candidate from “the wrong party” because they appeared more closely aligned with your faith than the candidate from “the right party”? If not, can you imagine what it would be like, and what might drive that?


    Lord, we declare you our king. Help us live it out. Amen.

  • See and Be Seen

    See and Be Seen

    Genesis 16:7–14; John 1:47–51

    Have you ever been to a big event? Maybe a concert? Maybe a sports game? And then you spend anywhere from 2 to 4 hours with thousands of your closest friends.

    Most of those people really aren’t your friends. Unless you are ticket holder buddies, you are unlikely to see them again.

    The reality is that a church service, even when small, can often feel the same way. You gather with other like-minded (at least somewhat religiously) individuals. You sit, stand, sing, pray, sit, listen, leave.

    You may not feel that way. You may feel like your church is your family. If so, that’s great! It is also as it should be.

    However, there are those that don’t feel that way. They can feel separated, ignored, unknown. They can feel unseen.

    Hagar was cast out. She and her were no longer welcome in the place she called home. She and Ishmael were now in life-threatening danger. In that day and , being alone in the wilderness does not bode well for a woman and a boy.

    There are a lot of people inside and out of the “the body of Christ” that are in a place of being alone. survival is far more than food, shelter, and clothing. We need to be known. We need to be seen. We need to be heard.

    Hagar’s story is stronger than the simple story of Nathanael. Yet, Nathanael’s was open to because Jesus saw him. Yes, Jesus saw him from far away. Jesus, though, identified Nathanael’s , as well. There is more than just . There is knowledge of the person.

    Developing those relations is important for human thriving. It is also important for the spiritual growth of the and the body of Christ.

    We all have spiritual growth of some sort. However, what sort matters greatly. If your growth is alone, then you can be sharp, but you can also be blunt. Without to stand beside you, and sometimes in front of you, your growth may be that of a monster not of a believer.

    Only in faithful fellowship are we kept on the narrow path. Only in faithful fellowship can we really be seen by others. Only in faithful fellowship can do more than just survive.


    1) Who are you actively walking with to disciple and be discipled by? If no one, who could you see being discipling partners with?

    2) Why do you think so many people do not have healthy discipling relationships?

    3) What will you do to champion healthy discipling in your church?


    Jesus, thank you for your example of walking for years with people as broken as me. Help me see that I still need healing just like others. Help me be your to others and help me accept your light from others. Amen.

  • Things Change

    Things Change

    Exodus 20:1–6; Numbers 21:4–9; 2 Kings 18:1–4

    The Ten Commandments has been a political and religious hot potato for years. There are a number of times various parties have used the Ten Commandments to score political points. There have been those that state that the Ten Commandments are what the Constitution is based on. Some have even made, it seems, a political career about Ten Commandment statues and placements.

    Many Christians (cultural and actual) have claimed if we were to just follow the Ten Commandments, we would be fine. Yet, in the case of the statue above, the Ten Commandments seemed to have become more of an , rather than a definer of a with God.

    In the Ten Commandments, God directs that the Israelites should not create an object of that resembles something created. This is so that people are not deceived by stone and wood, and that their hearts pursue the God who creates all and is uncreated.

    Something strange happens later. God directs Moses to create the bronze serpent. This is an object made to resemble a created being. Depending on how one interprets the Ten Commandments, this directive violates the Ten Commandments.

    The nuance is that the bronze serpent was not meant to be worshiped. It was a symbol of God’s healing, , and mercy, and a reminder that the Israelites were reliant upon God. The serpents were a punishment. The bronze serpent a tool of healing and a symbol of grace and mercy.

    However, as many good things do, the good became bad. The symbol of God’s grace, mercy, and healing became the exact kind of object that was prohibited by the Ten Commandments…an object of worship.

    There are many good things in the world. Many of them (trees, mountains, animals, etc.) have become objects of worship and have been elevated in human thinking to the level of a god. This perversion of their nature does not make them bad, just as the perversion of the bronze serpent did not make it automatically bad.

    The story of the bronze serpent, however, is a morality tale that any God-follower should pay attention to. There are many who appear to hold the , the Ten Commandments, the church in a way that is worship. This is where a non-church attender could reasonably say, “I can worship God in the middle of a stream, better than in a building with a whole bunch of hypocrites.”

    The moral of the story is that anything that was once good can become bad. Something that once led us to God can become our god instead. Something that used to give us the language to talk about God can become a barrier to the story of God.

    This is a serious matter. It also is not a new issue. One of the gifts that the Reformation gave us (along with many not-so-good things) is the concept of Semper Reformanda, always reforming. In other words, we should always be looking for anything—even the stuff we think is good—that keeps us from or inhibits our relationship with God.


    1) What does reform mean to you?

    2) What can you think of that is objectively good, but can also inhibit a healthy relationship with God?

    3) Why is the story of the bronze serpent important to your as a follower of and a member of Christ’s Body on Earth (the church)?


    Heavenly , help us to chisel away any hardness or edge or characteristic that prevents us from fully following and worshiping you. Amen.