Tag: leader

  • Freely


    Psalm 147:1–11; 1 Corinthians 9:16–23

    Psalm 147 opens up powerfully. It really is good to sing to God. Every worship hopes that it is the pleasure of everyone who attends church (whether physically or online) finds it a pleasure to praise God through singing.

    Of course, the psalmist is a songwriter/performer, so is obviously a tad biased towards this form of praise. There is indeed something powerful about music. On the other hand, there are plenty of people who find their best time of worship and praise through or stillness.

    The heart of worship is honoring God. A heart that honors God, worships God. Those people faithfully for the next experience of God’s .

    The of experiencing God’s faithful love produces a response that can seem odd to a person who does not believe the same. has such an expectation. That is part of what motivates his approach to his (Christ directed) to share the .

    Paul’s response to God’s faithful love? Share the Good News freely. Not only freely in regard to cost, but also freely to whomever, and freely however.

    In many respects, the whomever and however continue to be a problem in regard to sharing the gospel. In some church somewhere, someone is saying, “Let’s not share the Good News with those people.” In another church (or maybe the same one), someone is saying, “We just can’t do it that way.”

    It’s easy to say, “Paul would…,” but the reality is that we don’t know what Paul would have done. We can only at the “heart” of Paul as seen through his words.

    We are often quite ready to put boundaries on many things in our lives. With whom and how (granted, without changing the Truth) however, the fewer boundaries we place the more likely we are to be where God already is.


    • What surprising/unexpected ways have you seen the Good News shared/spread?
    • How should honoring/praising/worshiping God lead to sharing the Good News of the Gospel?


    Lord, may we find ways to share the Gospel that builds bridges of faith and love. Amen.

  • Prophetic Testing

    Prophetic Testing

    Deuteronomy 13:1–5

    Prophetic words are very common in times of unrest. Much of the Old Testament are prophetic words during times of unrest. The times of unrest were because the people of Israel didn’t follow God. Since their focus was on the world, God became a bit player in their lives.

    This should sound familiar. The last decade or so has had many “prophetic” words spoken. Most of the ones given attention were of the white evangelical variety.

    Whether they were racist diatribes against Obama, misogynistic diatribes against Hillary Clinton, or (really) attempts at assassinations of any so-called “liberal” , it was out-of-hand. It also shows how much the white evangelical /culture was in “the hands” of a singular political party.

    However, despite the “airplay” of much of this, there was just as much towards whichever “evil” Republican or “conservative” that was the focus of the day. It just wasn’t publicized.

    Perhaps, someone reading this will say, “See, it’s because ‘they’ are biased!” That isn’t the issue for Christians. The real issue is that the church thinks that it is effective by walking hand-in-hand with earthly power.

    The prophetic in this passage in Deuteronomy is interesting. One of the biggest tests of a prophet is, do their words come true? Another part of the test, do miracles happen? The church has done okay on the first, and not-so-good on the second.

    It is the third test, however, that is the crucial one, does this draw us away from God?

    By far, it isn’t solely an (US) American issue. It is an earthly powers issue, and the church is tempted around the world to succumb.

    How’s this for a test? Does the person seek to make the “other” the ? Not their struggles, their opinion, even their sins…the person themselves.

    If there really is an (the Image of God) in every human being, then is defining the “other” as “the enemy” is defining God as the enemy? This is how earthly politics work.

    The third test, then, becomes does this “prophetic” word turn people against the Imago Dei?

    Over the last 4 years, much attention and vitriol have poured out in the US (and then overflowed into the world). Most of it was based upon and (and here’s another test: did you say to yourself, yes, “their” pain and fear, and not acknowledge yours?).

    Without question, there was a lot of Godly anger. Without question, there was a lot of earthly self-righteous anger. Amid it all, there were Godly prophetic voices and earthly prophetic voices dressed in holy guise.


    What “voices” do you (really) listen to in your life? What is the spiritual background of those voices? What is the spiritual expression (how do they live out their lives, versus words) of these “voices”? Do the voices ever challenge your way(s) of thinking?


    God, forgive us for not actively listen for and to your . Forgive us for not testing the words of others against your Word. Amen.

  • Mighty


    Judges 2:6–15; 2 Corinthians 10:1–11

    At this point, there are a lot of stirred up people. You might even be one of them. The question is, what really is stirring you?

    Is it a belief that the current president is a lunatic and must be destroyed (metaphorically or in reality)? Is it a belief that the current president is the righteous that will lead the country to some sort of ?

    In the middle of this mess are Christians. Some are confused. Many are disgusted. Some champion the president. Some champion the president-elect. Theoretically, all treasure Jesus Christ as Lord.

    That’s the rub.

    One of the constant mutterings of the church (on myriad “sides” of many issues) is about a Christian nation. A real Christian nation wouldn’t [fill in the blank]. What if we never knew what a Christian nation was? What if, there has never been a “true” Christian nation in history?

    When we look at what happens after the of Joshua, it’s easy (and understandable) to put much of the blame on Joshua and that’s generations’ leaders. On the other hand, no one forced the Israelites to pick up the patterns of the defeated people, especially the Baal and Astarte’s .

    In far too many respects, the mythos of a Christian nation is as spiritually deadly as the mythos of an Israelite nation upon the death of Joshua (and his peers). “We are a/the [] nation.” It can become a great deceit.

    Thus, God’s word is sharper than any sword. ‘s words in letters were far sharper than his . Why? Often a letter is missing so much of the feeling and emotion of presence.

    There is a reason why emojis and emoticons have become such a part of the digital world…text only goes so far. However, sometimes the lack of emotion in the text makes it the very thing we need.

    Just as Paul’s letter to the Corinthians was one of , his previous letter(s) had apparently earned him a reputation.

    God’s letter, the Bible, is much the same. It is God’s story to us. We do miss a lot of God’s emotions. Yet perhaps we need a lot of sharpening.

    It was my that we would be beyond this. It was my hope that we would be stepping toward . That is not the case.

    While it will be easy to point at one president or one political party, the truth is that we are as much the issue as anyone else. The truth is that we are in as great a need of God’s word shaping and sharpening us as anyone else.


    What is something in your life that needs sharpening by God’s word?


    Lord, let your word shape us, and your love strengthen to be your hands, feet, and words in this world. Amen.

  • Purple Vision

    Purple Vision

    Numbers 27:15–23; 2 Timothy 2:8–13

    Having worked for -owned and -run businesses, I know that one of the business’ concerns is, who’s next? Perhaps it might be better to say that the success of a family-owned and -run business is who will successfully lead it with and tenacity once the current leadership steps down.

    I have seen it work well. I have seen it work not-so-well. One business had a plan, and the other business made laissez-faire assumptions.

    Moses had spent a lot of time getting the Israelites to the Promised Land. He had been frustrated, belittled, and probably cursed by the same Israelites. He still wanted them to succeed in the Promised Land. So, Moses asked God for the next leader.

    God selected Joshua. Now, it could be said that this was obvious, as other than Aaron, only Joshua is noted as Moses’ aide, and even accompanied Moses when he received the Ten Commandments. Joshua, as Moses’ aide, indeed saw the dark side of leading the Israelites.

    I think it is appropriate to presume that God had guided Moses’ selection of Joshua, thus make Joshua the “obvious” choice. On the other hand, we could also presume that Moses’ experience in Pharaoh’s house would have taught Moses how to choose a leader, and then God used that.

    Who was next to lead would set the Israelites for success or failure in the Promised Land.

    In some respects, that is the same view many people have of the incoming Presidential administration and the Congressional seating. Success or failure. In a republic, it’s a little harder to really hit that success or failure button (though pundits try).

    As we look at the days, months, and years to follow this election, we all need to ask ourselves about a few things. For the last few election cycles, the country has been color-coded with red and blue. The animosity between red and blue is approaching that of the Bloods and Crypts from decades ago, who differentiate themselves by red or blue.

    Wearing the wrong colors in the wrong neighborhood was a recipe for being harmed by the other gang’s members. Now people are being assaulted by the “opposing” group just for wearing t-shirts, hats, or participating in their constitutionally protected right to protest.

    There has been a centrist movement calling itself “purple”. However, there is something ironic in that. This mix of red and blue representation of republic political alignment has a completely different meaning…royalty.

    Theoretically, the War of Independence was intended to “free” the American colonies from the oppression of British royalty. Instead, we developed an elected aristocracy.

    There is one good thing, though, about the purple. Who we recognize as royalty, who we recognize as king makes all the difference. When we recognize and believe the Christ is King, we can gladly declare ourselves purple, for we seek to follow the True King.


    What will it take, do you think, for conversations on to be purple first, rather than last? What is one behavior or of yours was not purple during this recent political season? How can you develop a practice of purple thoughts and speech, rather than red or blue?


    Lord, you are the King of the Universe. Through you, came into being. Only you are worthy of our worship and praise. Thank you for giving us the to choose. Thank you for loving us enough so that through the , we can become wise. Amen.

  • Monuments to What

    Monuments to What

    Ecclesiastes 1:10–11; Matthew 23:25–32; Luke 11:47–54; Acts 7:44–58

    You have probably heard George Santayana’s famous quip, “Those who fail to from history are doomed to repeat it.” Perhaps the writer of Ecclesiastes phrased it differently. The reality is that human behavior (especially, selfishness, greed, and hatred) has a tendency to repeat itself.

    Jewish history is full of followers of God being mistreated by their blood relatives. Whether it being cast into cisterns, having to hide in caves, being openly killed, it happened. We have the words and/or lives of some of these followers in Scripture.

    Based on the general summary of the Old Testament, it is highly likely that there were many, many more that we don’t know about. The people of God were often more the people of the . Even with Jesus’ , death, and , it still seems to be the case.

    I have read this passage in Luke many times, contemplating it. The harsh truth was that the Jews decorated and maintained the tombs of the people their ancestors had killed. Instead of feeling shame for what their ancestors had done, they applauded themselves for taking care of the tombs. They celebrated that they cared for the tombs of those their blood had murdered as if it was the of the dead to be cared for by them.

    This comes to mind as there is a reckoning happening in the US. Statues of famous people are being removed. Buildings named “in honor of” famous people are being renamed. Even a whole university was renamed.

    These famous people brought light and/or heroics in US history. All of them had parts that most of us today cannot support. They were, without a doubt, the product of their times. Even celebrated religious leaders in various denominations, including our own, had preferences or opinions that we would not today celebrate or endorse.

    I was raised in a “Northern” household and a “Southern” household. Needless to say, the Southern household had a lot to say about the “War Between the States” (i.e., the Civil War). Not all of it was accurate, as I would learn. On the other hand, some of the behavior of the “heroes” was equally abhorrent as the defense of slavery, as I also learned.

    All were products of their time. They did what they thought was right or did wrong to uphold a “higher” purpose. Sherman’s destructive march through the South comes to mind. Sherman was a military man. He was there to win the war. That was the higher purpose. Later, he was a during the Indian Wars (a horrific wiping out of First Nations peoples). This, despite being named after a famous First Nations chief.

    The church too, as a whole, has similar shades of darkness in it. As the wrestles with its , it also wrestles with its past. The church has much of the same work to do.

    For the church to be what it called by God to be—a light unto the darkness—its people need to be diligent in cleansing, repenting and reconciling its past and current wrongs so that it can be the spreader of hope for a world that desperately needs it.


    What people and issues come to mind in this? What will/can you do to be Christ’s light in the darkness?


    of justice and mercy, be kind and merciful to us as we learn what justice really means, and how to apply it to our lives. Amen.

  • Veritas


    Acts 21:34–22:28

    Have there ever been times in your when you knew speaking the would, at best, keep things the way they were? And, at worst, make things horribly wrong? Or, have you had the experience that no matter how much you the truth, others only lies?

    These scenarios might seem far-fetched, yet, that was exactly what experienced.

    “You speak Greek?”

    “Aren’t you the Assassin leader?”

    “You speak Aramaic?”

    “You’re a Roman citizen?”

    Yes, one the first is a literal question. The other 3 are just summarizations of other verses. Yet, the entirety is that Paul was dismissed. He wasn’t worthy.

    People could plenty of false information (that’s what started the riot, after all). Why bother to inspect the truth?

    We are in a weird time. Truth is questioned. Truth is questionable.

    Before you throw politics into this, understand that the Truth of our faith remains steadfast. It is the only Truth.

    Paul spoke the Truth. He did not speak the truth that people wanted to hear. This is the same thing that we are seeing now. It is place (schools, homes, churches, governments) agnostic.

    Many of you may have experienced those first when you think about spiritual/faith conversations you have had.

    Who are you? A child of God

    What is Truth? That God loved you so much that he sent his to die to reconcile God’s lost Creation to himself.

    No, the Truth is not comfortable to many, or even most, people. Sharing the Truth will only become harder.


    of all Truth, may we have the courage of our faith to share your Truth in with a world that does and doesn’t want to hear it. Amen.

  • Cryptic Inheritor

    Cryptic Inheritor

    Genesis 29:16–30; Genesis 49:29–33; Galatians 3:27–29

    Having been to many cemeteries over the years, whether in the US or abroad, it can be amazing to see what people do as monuments. A war leader or emperor may have one. Rich and noble families would often have such a monument, collecting the remains throughout history. It isn’t new, by any stretch. David and many of his descendants were buried near one another.

    Abraham may or may not have intended to buy a family burial plot, but it ended up being such for a few generations. What is peculiar about Jacob’s time is that his favorite wife, Rachael, was not buried there. His first wife, Leah, who wasn’t the preferred one, was the one buried there, and where Jacob would be buried alongside.

    Family land has been fought over long before Jesus walked the earth. Even today, families fight over land and property fraying (if not destroying) family ties and loyalties. In some places, the national lines that divide governments attempt to divide families, yet instead, the family ties override the national .

    The bitter part of all of this is that people often fight over that which is dead and gone. Other times, their plans (buried with Rachael the favorite) are overridden by circumstances (buried with second best).

    All the battles and all the woes are only for a time. As much as an inheritance (even the simple family burial plot) may seem important at the time, it more often magnifies the pettiness of worldly affairs. -to-Dust.

    That has long been one of the hallmarks of the Christian faith…this world is not your home. Or, said another way, your true inheritance is not here.

    calls out this inheritance as something that crosses blood, and culture, and , and class, and gender. This imperishable seed of Abraham is not just something to grasp, it has already been given.


    1) When you “inheritance” what is the first thing that comes to mind?

    2) Why do Christians often fight over earthly inheritance or when they have the imperishable inheritance?

    3) How might a daily reminder of your eternal inheritance how you interact with in the world? What can you do to put that reminder front-and-center in your ?


    God, may we keep our eternal home perpetually in mind, along with all those with whom we want to share it. Amen.

  • Substantial Character

    Substantial Character

    Daniel 6:1–24; Philippians 2:3–16

    Adventure! Drama! Let’s see the big scene!

    Daniel and the Lion’s Den is a dramatic story. No question about that. It’s a great one for kids.

    Daniel, himself, is a great character. Daniel has great character. If you read the story carefully, you’ll notice something interesting. Daniel only has spoken words at the end when he assures Darius that all is well.

    This also speaks to Daniel’s character. As much as the Book of Daniel is Daniel’s story, the Book of Daniel is about God’s plan and redemptive action regarding the people of Judah in their time of exile.

    Daniel (along with others) was called to work for the they were in (for the Generations community, that was the topic of the last two sermons). He was called to work for the benefit of the kingdom. He was not called to gain power.

    ※ Why do we often think we must have “power” to change things or make things better? ※

    Daniel did gain power. However, he did not as if it was his to do with as he pleased. This contrasts with the two other administrators and all the satraps.* who sought greater power and control of their own. As Daniel was successful as a for the empire, pursuing their own success and power was then not working for the empire.

    As we watch the unfolding of political events around the world (not just the US), all too often people use the emotions of others to draw people it…to gain power and influence. Most of the bureaucrats that are often maligned are putting aside their gain to their best (as they understand it) for their nation.

    Does that mean there aren’t any “bad actors”? Of course not! It does mean there are likely as many “bad actors” as there are anywhere else, or as few. Yet, a cabal like the one portrayed here is really beyond the US system (despite the conspiracy theories, yes, I’m stepping in a minefield).

    However, culturally, it was . In fact, there are still examples of it today throughout the world. Thus, the best that Daniel could be (the one he was called to) was to serve God well through the place and time he was.

    ※What is the witness of this time and place for you? ※

    Daniel truly embodies the Christ-like characteristics of unselfish ambition looking to the benefits of Darius and the Median empire. His character was so resolute that even his adversaries recognized it.

    Daniel became a true and devout servant of the empire, even going so far as to submit to being setup. Daniel maintained his integrity and his faithful witness, despite the efforts of those around him.

    While perhaps only for a brief time, Darius honored Daniel’s faith and the God Daniel served. All this building up to even a greater witness.

    Imagine that. Being quiet, gentle, unassuming, and working for the benefit of others was Daniel’s greatest witness.

    These same characteristics apply to Jesus. As noted, Jesus being God to serve the created. While not literally exiled from Heaven (unlike others), Jesus was in exile. Jesus was now in one heart with the created.

    Jesus surrendered in and mercy to a system and peoples (Jews and Romans) that unjustly crucified him. Jesus did it for all people. He was looking out for everyone else’s interests.

    ※What does Paul’s ending words in this passage tell you about Paul’s heart? ※


    Spirit, and mold us to be humble people that seek the welfare of others so that we are a faithful witness of your work in our lives. Amen.

    * not including Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, more commonly called Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego