Tag: promise

  • Have and Need

    Have and Need

    “For a child has been born for us, a given to us; authority rests upon his shoulders; and He is named Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting , Prince of Peace.”
    – Isaiah 9:6 (NRSV)

    Okay. Be honest. Did you have your Christmas tree up at the beginning ofNovember? Anyonehave it up before this year? I mean, come on! We need the excitement and magic that Christmas brings. Right? After the yearwe have had?! We need Christmas. Maybe you are one of those who strictly doesn’t do the Christmas thing until after Thanksgiving is over…
    Did you still this year?

    I think we have all been anticipating this season. I know I have! We have been bogged down with COVID, killer bees, racial injustice, , and more. We need Christmas. We need . We need .

    As you probably well know – God made a promise well before Jesus came…that Jesus would come. That Jesus would be and bring the light that we needed so desperately. That Gods people needed so desperately. Do you feel like this year you need that light? You need to be reminded of God’s promises in your ? Do you need to be reminded of the hope that Jesus brings to us in all the different seasons of life?

    It’s been a hard year. For so many reasons for so many people. Many of us have had anxiety, frustrations, cried, yelled, laughed, cried some more probably… I am thankful that God is faithful. That God shows us His through Jesus Christ. And that through Jesus and the promises that God keeps we can have hope. Because let’s face it. At the end of this year and as we into the next year – we need hope.

    Where do you see hope in your life today? Thank God for those glimmers of hope. Thank God for His continued faithfulness.

  • A Promise

    A Promise

    Isaiah 44:21–28; Ezekiel 34:25–31; Mark 14:22–26

    . We are called on to remember things every day. Some have become so ingrained (putting undergarments, I ) that we don’t actually remember them; we just do them.

    Like many things that are ingrained, aren’t. We might take them for granted, but that doesn’t make them ingrained.

    Isaiah’s to the descendants of Jacob was REMEMBER! Remember God, who formed them, called them and redeemed them. They needed to be reminded…again.

    This time, they are called to celebrate. Celebrate . Celebrate redemption. Celebrate a relationship with God.

    The unfolding of their redemption, eventually, results in a new of peace. This new covenant was to change the very face of the Promised Land.

    The promise of this covenant was delivered while talking about their return from captivity and exile. This makes the promise sure, as they were indeed delivered. So, where was the fulfillment of this new covenant?

    We Christians say that of course, it is Jesus. Jesus’ and personified the concepts of relationship and redemption. The Resurrection is the exclamation point of the promise in Ezekiel.

    In the of God, the lion and the lamb lie down together.


    For you, what is the most important fact about God’s promises? Why?


    God, you have been faithful to us, even when we wander. We you praise, glory, and thanks for your grace-filled love. Amen.

  • One Hundred and Twenty

    One Hundred and Twenty

    Genesis 6:1–13; Judges 2:8–23

    “The younger generation just doesn’t…”

    “The older generation just doesn’t…”

    The generational splits have grown. Much of that has to do with the acceleration of technology and the cultural changes that have gone along with it.

    Many times, the older generations say that they wouldn’t have behaved as the younger generation does. That older generation also says that “this” generation is so much more corrupt than “mine”.

    The reality is that generations have said that before. Generations will say that again.

    The generation ebb and flow seem to be common to history. When we read the versus about the time of Noah or the time after Joshua, it certainly doesn’t sound good. No matter how bad the “next” generation is, God isn’t flooding the earth.

    Yes, God made a not to. Yet, when we read the verses in Judges, we recognize that much of this is to temper us. This is all intended to make us better followers of God.

    What is also interesting is that there are certain similarities between separated generations. The Silent  Generation (those that were children during the Great Depression and fought in WWII) has many similarities with Generation Z (born late 90s–10s) who have experienced 2 major recessions as children, and whose lives have pretty much included the so-called War on Terror.

    In many respects, Generation Z may be a huge reset, though perhaps Generation Alpha as the first 21st Century generation (all born in the 21st Century) may be that reset. Regardless, human history shows that there is often some sort of reset. What was old becomes new.

    With 6 generations (with some extenuating people make 7), there are going to be large differences. That’s a spread of 120 years.

    In all likelihood, 3 of those generations will see the next century (assuming, of course, that doesn’t ). While many of us are concerned about the next generation, perhaps we ought to be more concerned about the next century.


    What changes with your thinking about God and when you think about the next century rather than the next 20 years? Why might it be important to look that far ahead? What are the risks of looking that far ahead?


    God, just as you have faithfully us and given us , may we be -filled and grace-filled for those who came before and those who will follow. Amen.

  • Good Gone Bad

    Good Gone Bad

    Mark 12:1–17; Matthew 10:5–7; Matthew 17:24–27

    Within the context of ‘ earthly ministry, the primacy of the remnants of the Israelites cannot be denied. Jesus calls them the “lost ”. Their place is significant to God, for they are even called by God’s (2 Chronicles 7:14).

    The tragedy of it all is that while they are still children of God, Jesus identifies them as strangers (or foreigners) to God. We might use the word estranged.

    were truly foreigners to God, insofar as God did not choose them to bear the name of God. Due to choices and behaviors, it came to the point that the Jews were such, too.

    What’s interesting is the Temple Tax. It was a tax from Exodus 30:11–16. Every man of the of 20 or over was obliged to pay it annually. It was also called the “atonement” tax. It was used to take care of the tent of meeting (later the Temple). Its spiritual purpose was to remind the Israelites that their lives needed to be atoned for.

    What is also interesting is the backdoor way Jesus was asked…using Peter. There is also the that Jesus hadn’t paid it, or that they watched Jesus so closely that they knew he hadn’t yet paid it. Either presupposition leads to interesting conclusions. However, it is Jesus’ response about strangers and sons that should catch our attention.

    Some commentators infer that Jesus paid the Temple Tax to fulfill all (tying language to the of Jesus). Jesus, however, doesn’t seem to have that same understanding. He sounds more condescending (“just to not offend”), though it is more likely a battle that is not worth fighting, and it’s a simple barrier.

    Jesus’ response might imply that the tax was out of date. In Exodus, the tax seems tied specifically to the Tent of Meeting. So, once the Tent of Meeting was done with (i.e., the Temple was built), the tax was done with.

    This reminds me of the Maple Street Bridge in Spokane, WA. When it was built, there was a toll booth. The was that the booth would be removed when the bridge was paid for. It was. In comparison, other public toll bridges that I’m familiar with still have tolls, and those tolls are tossed into the public fund, not the bridge operating fund.

    This is not to pick on them, but to show that we have similar examples in our lives. The tolls, no longer needed for their original purpose, are now moved to other “needs”. The same about the Temple Tax perhaps. The implication is pretty strong, though, as this ties into Jesus’ declaration about the Temple Courts being a den of robbers (Matthew 21:13).


    Jesus, us of anything we hold onto as good that has become bad in our lives. Amen.

  • Criminal Christian

    Criminal Christian

    Luke 23:32–43; 1 Thessalonians 5:1–11

    A criminal is saved on the cross. Talk about a “bedside” or “execution” ! He was on the cross when he was saved.

    Look at the words the criminal stated. Look at the words that Jesus spoke. We often have longer phrases and understandings (even from Jesus’ own words) of what it takes to be saved. There probably is no quicker salvation story.

    That being said, it could be that the rumors and news about Jesus was so strong and flowing, that the criminal even from prison knew about Jesus. We don’t know what seeds had already be sown when the man sought salvation.

    However, we can say that by all appearances the criminal didn’t meet even the lowest standards of salvation as we often understand it. Does this diminish his salvation? No. It does show the amazing grace and mercy of God.

    Do you want to be the criminal? All done. All saved. All good. Nothing more to do.

    The criminal is not the ideal follower of Jesus. Truly, to a select group the criminal is a beacon of hope. For the rest of us, though, the criminal is a criminal for something completely unrelated to the cross.

    He doesn’t live out his . He does, for a few hours, but it’s really not the same. Faith and salvation are tested and refined through the long and many trials of life.

    It can be reasonably argued, and has been by many, that salvation is only the beginning. Yes, in our salvation, we walk through the door to . It’s a big , though. Do you really only want to stay at the entrance?

    The fuller life, the rich life of God, is the full and complete of life with Jesus. We are often satisfied with so much less. Even more disturbing is that so many want salvation, but they don’t want the transformative live with Jesus.

    Some people this being “on fire” for Jesus, except that it can devolve to being obnoxious in the name of Jesus. We don’t really want to be “on fire” for Jesus. We should want to be “on fire” by Jesus.

    For Jesus usually comes from our strength and emotion. By Jesus means that it is fully (and lovingly and..and…and…) reliant upon Jesus to do the work in us through the Holy .

    Is this merely semantics? Perhaps. However, there are a lot of people out in the world trumpeting the church (the Body of Christ), but aren’t fully within it. Some show up on Sunday. Or, maybe they’ll show up digitally.

    Living the (truly) rich Christian live means living it together in community. We must seek, foster, and grow that community. It won’t just come.

    Or we can just be a criminal on a cross.


    Jesus, help us to want a full and complete life with you. Help us surrender everything to the to form and us for your will. Amen.


    1) How’s your faith community? Not just church (though that too), but your daily faith community?

    2) How does one know whether one is living the Christian life of the criminal on the cross, or the fullness of the Kingdom come?

  • …Who’s There?

    …Who’s There?

    Matthew 7:7–12; Luke 13:22–30; Revelation 3:14–22

    “Knock, Knock” jokes rank up there with “dad” jokes. Most of the time they are a play on words, and almost all the time they’re only cute (or funny) when a kid says them.

    These passages with knocking in them are probably quite familiar to you. If not, hang around circles, and they will show up.

    The first passage is probably number two on the knocking list. It is filled with a great . However, some have misunderstood the promise, and that has caused a lot of .

    When taken out of context, the passage sounds like God is some cosmic vending machine. You just put your in and out comes whatever it is you want. Within those same circles, there is an added, God just wants you to be happy.

    In context, though, the passage is about entering the of God. It’s not about wealth or health. It’s about where your citizen is while on Earth, and where you will be after your time here is gone.

    The second knocking passage is similar to the first, however, it adds a rejection clause. The implication is people trying to force their way “past” the gates. The implication in this passage is that just because you’re at the right place (let’s say, church) and saw God, that doesn’t mean your heart has submitted to God.

    As Jesus continues, he goes so far as to poke at the Jewish pride of being the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Just because they were born in the right place of the right blood did not them the right to enter the Kingdom of God.

    The third of our knocking passages is probably the most famous of them all. It sounds so warm and fuzzy that Jesus is knocking on the door. However, when we have the warm fuzzy feelings, we should often double-check them.

    The message isn’t Jesus come on in. The message is really a question, do you know Me? One generally does not open one’s doors strangers without some caution. One certainly doesn’t invite them in for dinner. The implication is that they don’t know or forgot Jesus!

    Knocking is making one’s known to another. It can be a sound of warning. It can be a sound of greeting. What it is exactly depends on the between those on the other sides of the door.

    Knocking doesn’t stop at knocking. There is a choice that goes along with it: yelling, “go away”; opening the door grudgingly; opening the door gladly with a warm welcome; ignoring the knocker, and they go away; there are probably other responses, too.

    Which door will Jesus walk through?


    Lord Jesus, there are many doors in this life. Help us to view them as opportunities to seek and see you, and to also bring through those doors to you. Amen.


    1) What feelings did/do each of today’s passages create in you? Why?

    2) The first two passages are about the Kingdom of God. How does the third passage affect your understanding of the first two?

    3) We all want to believe that we would warmly and gladly welcome Jesus if he knocks. How comfortable are you if he knocks right now? Now what?

  • Waiting in Trust

    Waiting in Trust

    John 16:5–15; Acts 1:1–8 (read online ⧉)

    Wait for the to be .

    Jesus directed his disciples to wait. They couldn’t even wait when Jesus was with them after the Resurrection. “Hey, Jesus, are we going to take over the world, now?”

    Of course, they really didn’t say that. Not even close. However, restoring the of Israel was, from a Jewish , much the same thing. The Kingdom of Israel wasn’t just a . It was a God-blessed nation.

    When they thought of a God-blessed nation, they were thinking that power and wealth would be restored to the Jews. The Romans would no longer be the occupiers. The Jews would once again occupy the place the belonged on the world stage.

    Except, Jesus poked that balloon. “Sorry, the Father’s got something planned, and…you don’t get to know the entirety of the plan.” Can you imagine that? They don’t get to know the whole plan.
    Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? Right now we are in the midst of trying to make plans while being undeniably confronted with the reality that all our plans are…fluid. We know that we don’t know what is going to happen. We still plan and dream, however.

    The disciples weren’t even really trying to plan. God was writing a new page, and they didn’t know what to expect. They had to .

    In a few weeks (May 31st), the church (the whole church, the of Christ) will have a birthday…. That promised counselor would everything. In the meantime, they had to wait.

    Sometimes we’re a little hard on them. We see what happened. These people, by and large, were the out-of-the-loop kind of folks. Nothing earth-shattering would happen with them. They were barely educated. They were not from the heart of Judah. They weren’t tied to the powerful. In fact, the powerful didn’t want much to do with them.

    We do know that there had been a false Messiah from the region prior to Jesus. So, there was also the likely weight of the false Messiah, plus this guy who rose from the dead. Everything was new.

    Just wait. Just trust. Be willing to trust and wait. Our world could use a lot of that now.

    Lord, as the world twists itself in an anxious circle, help us to be the unanxious ones. Guide our hearts and minds to not be anxious and trust in your timing and your plan, not of which is ours. Amen.

    ※ Questions ※
    1) What are you waiting for?
    2) Does your waiting require trust? If so, how’s that trust doing?
    3) What are you doing in your wait? Are you preparing and making plans for when the brakes are loosed?

  • Oath Busting

    Oath Busting

    Genesis 13:1–18; Numbers 13:30–14:4; Numbers 14:36–45 (read online ⧉)

    God had made a promise to Abraham. As God is the make of the promise, following yesterday’s devotion, it was an oath. Abraham’s descendants would flourish in the land that Abraham would walk.

    At the time of Lot’s and Abraham’s separation, the land that Lot had was the better land. The lesser, more difficult land was Abraham’s. Yet, it was on this lesser more difficult land that God would build a nation with God’s name on it.

    After many years, Abraham’s descendants had finally arrived to “take” the land. The tribes that had flourished with the absence of Abraham’s descendants certainly weren’t going to be willing or eager to just hand the land over. As far as they, the current inhabitants, were concerned this was their gods’ land. The Israelites were nothing.

    Even those technically related were just as harsh to the Israelites. Yet, there was an oath made by God. Perhaps the oath was no longer valid. Perhaps God broke the oath.

    This is where it gets interesting for us, too. When God made the oath, there was no promise of easy or being able to just get the land. The Israelites had to work for it, too.

    This is also the case for us. God calls us to be his people. God made an oath to always be with us. That doesn’t mean it’s going to be easy. In fact, part of being with us was part of telling us that things would be hard.

    The Israelites, just like us, weren’t going to have anything to do with this difficult stuff. They wanted the easy street. At one point, God tells the Israelites about when they will and with produce they didn’t plant, with labor they didn’t spend. They had to value the fulfillment of God’s oath.

    Instead, they decided that they were going to break the oath. It might sound a tad harsh. However, it wasn’t God that decided that the oath wouldn’t be . They decided it.

    So, God “accepted” their decision, and gave the consequences. And they decided to try to break that, too. Moses also makes a point to them, that is also for us. God wasn’t with them. They would fail. If only they hadn’t tried to break the oath (that wasn’t theirs to break) in the first place.

    ※ A Prayer of Billy Graham ※
    …Father, we thank You for the promise and hope of [the ], and we look forward to it with expectancy and . This [we] in the name of our Lord and Savior, who by His and resurrection has given us hope both for this world and the world to come. [Amen]

    1) Have you ever had someone try to break the oath or promise of another person? What was the situation? How did it work out?
    2) Why would a person try to break the oath or promise of another person?
    3) What can the short-, medium-, and long-term consequences of promise- and oath-breaking?