Tag: questions

  • Self of Nothing

    Self of Nothing

    Judges 4:1–24; 2 Samuel 6:12–22; Psalm 18:20–29

    Many have often condemned Barak as a coward who hides behind a woman’s skirt (so to speak). What if there is something else at play?

    If you read the Book of Joshua and 1 & 2 Samuel, the Ark of the Covenant was part of the army’s . It went out into battle with the people. It was a symbol for the people of Israel that God was with them.

    However, in the time of the Book of Judges, a lot was lost (and so very quickly, too). Perhaps, as a matter of morale and tactics, Barak wanted Deborah there as the symbol. Barak could have been doubtful of his military , so wanted backup (God).

    Regardless, it is Barak’s lack of a response to Deborah’s “penalty” that is our focus. Basically, Deborah told Barak that he would not get the glory of dealing with Sisera (the enemy ) and that it would be given to a woman (a dig in a patriarchal society).

    Whether it was acceptance or tolerance, Barak’s lack of response shows a greater concern for the success of the battle, rather than the resulting glory. Some it cowardice. Some call it degrading. Some call it humility.

    Humility does not just take one form. Whether you believe the Barak was weak, scared, or lacking faith, how many people hide those exact things behind a façade of bravado? Not hiding it, is often a of humility.

    Sometimes humility is what you are willing to do and be in public. David’s dancing in public to display joy in front of the people must have been something to watch. Was it because of how he was dressed? Was it because he didn’t refined?

    His goal wasn’t the eyes of humanity, it was the eyes and heart of God. Yet, his first wife either tried to shame him or was ashamed of him.

    David would not accept that. He understood that whatever her issues were, they were nothing in comparison to bringing glory to God.

    It is interesting to realize that David didn’t say, “that wasn’t embarrassing!” He said that his personal and pride are not important when compared to the glory of God.

    Two different men, with two different forms of humility. These are not the only forms of humility. It can play out in many ways in our lives. One person’s humility may seem like nothing to another. This is why true humility is between a person and God.

    Humility is something we should all seek. As the person we call Lord and Savior was humble enough to touch the outcast, broken, dirty, and then die for all, humility is a characteristic of a of Jesus.


    , guide our hearts and souls to greater depths of humility, even while knowing that the humility of Jesus is deeper still. Amen.


    1) Who is the humblest person you know? What makes them humble?

    2) Name the ways Barak and David were humble. What are other means of humility?

    3) Why is humility so important to growing the of God?

  • For and/or In and/or Of

    For and/or In and/or Of

    Matthew 13:44–52

    Translating the is hard work. Whether it be the 1611 King James Bible, The Amplified, the New International Version, the Christian Standard Bible, the nuances of multiple languages (Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic) along with cultural overlays, makes it incredibly difficult.

    Then you have the literal translations, the “thought” translations, the “concept” translations, and some that try do it all. What the intent is (i.e., transparent, understandable, etc.) also deeply affects the translation. On top of that, there is the motivation behind the translation that also gets into it.

    It’s not that anyone is being disingenuous or deceptive, or even that the translation is necessarily false. Often times translations are similar to the 4 Gospels. 4 different writers with similarities, and also differences. Translations often work the same way.

    This seems to be a long introduction, but, as you will see, it can make a difference.

    In the NRSV, Matthew 13:52 reads, “And he said to them, ‘Therefore every scribe who has been trained for the kingdom of heaven is like the master of a household who brings out of his treasure what is new and what is old.’”

    In the CEB, Matthew 13:52 reads, “Then he said to them, ‘Therefore, every legal expert who has been trained as a for the kingdom of heaven is like the head of a household who brings old and new things out of their treasure chest.’”

    In the NIV, Matthew 13:52 reads, “He said to them, ‘Therefore every teacher of the law who has become a disciple in the kingdom of heaven is like the owner of a house who brings out of his storeroom new treasures as well as old.’”

    At first glance, and even second, or third, these sound pretty similar. There is a key phrase that needs some focus, for it is different in each translation, and may result in completely different understandings.

    “…every scribe who has been trained for the kingdom of heaven…” (NRSV)

    “…every legal expert who has been trained as a disciple for the kingdom of heaven…” (CEB)

    “…every teacher of the law who has become a disciple in the kingdom of heaven…” (NIV)

    Can you see the difference? While it is a nuance, however, it seems to cover the history of the in the 20th and the 21st Centuries (so far). The translations above are not in chronological order, for the record.

    [NRSV] For generations, people were trained for the Kingdom. They had lots of knowledge. Sunday School really developed into in-depth readings of the Bible (this is a good thing). Lots of head knowledge is great. What is done with it, or not done with it, is something else entirely.

    [CEB] The church, as a whole, did begin to realize something was wrong, for we had lost the concept of . The church began to recover the concept of discipleship but had not quite let loose the reins of knowledge.

    [NIV] Especially in these times of COVID, there are many conversations of what it means to be a disciple of Christ, without the boundaries (some say limitations) of the building that was so central to church . The concept of only pouring knowledge into people doesn’t work. They need to be on the mission for the Kingdom. They need to be disciples.

    Lastly, the Amplified Bible combines all 3 of the thoughts above into 1 massive verse, “He said to them, ‘Therefore every teacher and interpreter of the Sacred Writings who has been instructed about and trained for the kingdom of heaven and has become a disciple is like a householder who brings forth out of his storehouse treasure that is new and [treasure that is] old [the fresh as well as the familiar].’”

    Before anyone thinks that these are all in conflict, that really isn’t the case. The nuances of Greek are deep. It is definitely an understanding of what the Greek means. This verse, like many, are open to multiple equally valid interpretations. Besides, we have plenty of our own translation issues even when it comes to English-to-English.


    Lord, your 12 disciples asked you to teach them to . We that you teach us to be your disciples. Amen.


    1) What is your preferred translation? Why?

    2) In what ways do you see the differences above as concerning or interesting?

    3) How does having different voices (translations) helps us to understand God better?

    For an overview, here is the Church of the Nazarene’s stance on the Scriptures:

    We believe in the plenary inspiration of the Scriptures, by which we understand the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments, given by divine inspiration, inerrantly revealing the will of God concerning us in all things necessary to our , so that whatever is not contained therein is not to be enjoined as an article of .

    Despite the in-joke of the NIV being the Nazarene Institutionalized Version, the denomination does not hold a particular translation as a standard. Being an international denomination, doing so would diminish our brothers and sisters in Christ who do not use an English translation.

  • Whatcha Doing?

    Whatcha Doing?

    Psalm 46; Luke 10:38–42

    It’s a crazy world. There is so much going on. If you live in the United States, you know the next election is just around the corner. Although, it seems all of 2020 has been an election year.

    If you are on social media, your “stream” may be flooded with this and that. People arguing over things worth discussing, just not worth hating. The amount of content created by the of this year will likely be quadruple the amount of the previous five years.

    There isn’t much that is settled at the moment. In fact, as far as the world around us goes, it seems to get more unsettled every day.

    “God is our refuge…Stop fighting (be still).” Psalm 46 may well be the mantra for 2020. God is our refuge. We just have to stop fighting in our own .

    We also cannot allow the world to distract us. It isn’t the government that’s the problem (which everyone, or ones, you don’t like). It isn’t the rioters that are the problem (though many are destructive, while others are not). It isn’t even COVID or terrorism or (insert some “global” issue here).

    It’s the . In the story of Mary and Martha, we see the struggle firsthand. Martha is busy. It’s not even that she is busy with bad or wrong things. It’s that Mary chose to be busy with the better “thing”.

    We’re all busy with things. Right now, it would seem that we are best situated to be like Mary. It doesn’t seem to be the case for far too many.

    They are distracted by the bad news, filled with anxiety, filled with anger, feeling the need to (just to do something). They are busy.

    However, many are busy not because they are doing good/right things at the wrong time. They are busy doing non--following things right now.


    As we watch the world seem to spin further into chaos, remind us, God, that you are God, and we are not. Help us to work on being still in your . Amen.


    1) What struck you about you in this? Why are “you” more important in this than others?

    2) How will you help be the of Christ’s in a time of anxiety, anger, and ?

  • Washing Branches

    Washing Branches

    John 13:1–11;  John 15:1–10

    Just in case you didn’t catch it before, John 13–17 is all during the Last Supper. It certainly does beat Moses’ Book of Deuteronomy in length. These chapters do, however, us a deep insight into as his final hours are approaching (The Jewish day started at Sunset, so the “day” of the Last Supper was the “day” of Crucifixion).

    The washing of the feet has long been a symbol of Jesus’ (which it was), intimacy, and vulnerability. He put aside his seniority to his disciples. Yet, this emphasis also misses other important pieces of the story.

    Feet were dirty (no closed shoes, no socks, no pavement). They were the most visibly dirty part of the body. Dirty feet could well imply status in society.

    Therefore, when Jesus washes their feet and says that they are entirely clean (which we all know that isn’t the case), there is something else going on. A tidbit might be “The Way”. A person “walks” in the . If one walks in the light, one walks on dirty ground (i.e., the world). One will again need to be clean.

    The parable of the vine, interestingly, provides a different point of view. Almost tossed into this little parable is the declaration, “…you are already clean…” They are already clean, and yet they need to stay connected to the true vine…Jesus.

    In both cases, they are clean from a ritualistic standpoint (important from a Jewish ) and still continue to need refreshment. Whether the refreshment is regularly having the dirt of the world washed off or gaining the nutrients and nourishment from the true vine, Jesus is the source.

    Whether it is the feet being cleaned, or the branches being nourished, it is Jesus doing it.

    Confession (washing) is essential. Absolution (declaration of being clean) is done by Jesus. The entirety of the process, however, is in Jesus’ will and command.

    While we can do our best to produce fruit, we can only be open to receiving the nutrients of Jesus.


    Lord Jesus, help us to view you to be, believe you to be, and as if you really are the Lord of our lives. Amen.


    1) What are you doing regularly to be washed?

    2) What do you think would be nourishment?

    3) In what way(s) is it important that we are declared clean, and yet still require regular washing? How does that apply to nourishment?

  • Want


    Exodus 20:1–21; 1 Kings 3:16–28; 1 Corinthians 13:1–13

    The tale of envy and spite in the story relayed in 1 Kings is abominable to most of us. How could any person ever do that, even if it is not their child?

    Yet, there are far too many tragic stories of people treating their children—their legacy—with something beyond contempt. The children don’t meet a “need”, or even worse, the of the child meets the “need”.

    The amazing depravity of humanity is often overwhelming.

    In the story in 1 Kings, there is probably much more than the visible story. Why it was significant to the writer that the women were prostitutes was significant is a matter of conjecture. With something like that we can only guess what else might have been going on.

    One possibility is that the “wise men” didn’t want to deal with the “dirty” prostitutes on a case with no evidence or witnesses (like those who might have been present at the birth or circumcision). So, they handed it off to the new king to test him. This would be well within the norm even today when new figures come into , they are tested by ally and enemy alike.

    To our ears, Solomon’s solution is over the top. Kill the child? However, some commentators believe that Solomon had discerned who the real mother was and was looking for a justifiable pretext of giving her to her.

    The story also shines a on one of the big issues: envy. There is a reason that this was on the list of Commandments. It can often be one of the most destructive emotions in human .

    Envy drove a grieving woman to grasp for another’s baby and then be open to the child’s death instead of “losing”.  Envy drove a person to sacrifice a child to hurt another person.

    Envy drives people to do things that are often not rational. Sometimes people will put themselves into so much debt so that they can be just like others. Other times they will hurt themselves, as long as they can hurt others.

    No one is immune to the pull of envy. We often think envy is only for big things, but envy is even more dangerous regarding small things. It is easy to excuse or justify the envy of little things. However, once we succumb, envy gains momentum, and our hearts turn toward darkness, and away from .


    , guard our hearts against envy. If the shadow of envy had taken hold, we for your saving work to preserve your love in our hearts. Amen.


    1) What is the first “don’t” of love, according to Paul? Why do you think Paul mentioned that first?

    2) What was the strongest feeling of envy you’ve ever had? What happened?

    3) What is the “flip” side of envy? Or, how is one driven to envy? (hint: see Paul’s list)

  • Too Small

    Too Small

    Deuteronomy 7:7–11; Judges 6:13–16; Matthew 13:31–33

    One of the best scenes in the movie, The Princess is when Princess Buttercup and (the Dread Pirate Roberts) Wesley are about to enter the Fire Swamp. Buttercup looks at Wesley and asks, “what about the R.O.U.S.s?” “The Rodents of Unusual Size? I’m sure they don’t exist.” He says the as an R.O.U.S. makes an appearance, and Buttercup’s back is to it and is oblivious.

    Size makes a difference. Often, we are overwhelmed by a problem. As a child, we could have been overwhelmed by something being so much bigger than we were.

    When we about the monumental amount of money some people have, and compare our meager bank accounts, size makes an impact. If you’ve ever been in a small car with a big semi coming up quickly behind you, size can be terrifying.

    On the other hand, ants can carry 10–50 times (depending on species and gender) their weight. Humans can indeed lift such weight, but not actually walk and carry over long distances. Grasshoppers can jump 20 times their length from standing. The world record for running long jump is not even 5 times.

    Size does matter, but just not always in the way we think.

    The people of Israel were not a powerful people. They had no place to provide them strength. Yet, this weak people God would take and overturn the ways of the world.

    After years of oppression, God took the weakest man of the weakest family of the weakest tribe to remove the oppressors from the land.

    uses a mustard seed to show the power of the but notice that it is not a power of domination. It is a place a habitation and a place of new . Yet this place of life and birth starts very small.

    The of God starts small in each of us. We often look at the tiny thing in us and wonder how we can make it through.

    Yet, we must always keep in mind that it is God’s seed in us. The smallest thing of God is larger than the largest thing of humanity.

    Oh, and the R.O.U.S.’s were defeated by using the power of the mind, not strength.


    Jesus, thank you for the seed of . Holy , thank you for the nurturing of the seed in our souls. Heavenly Father, thank you for being the tree that gives us home and life. Amen.


    1) What is one of the first memories you have of your size in comparison to another’s? What was the feeling like? Did it cause you to change focus or intent?

    2) Why is it important to understand the imagery of the Kingdom of God in the image of the mustard seed?

  • Always the Same

    Always the Same

    Jeremiah 16:10–15; Malachi 3:1–7

    Many years ago, in a bible study, an older woman said to the study leaders, “I do not believe in the God of the Old Testament. That God is cruel and unjust. I only believe in the loving God of the New Testament.”

    Many people walked away from the and/or were deeply scarred and hurt by the church by the incessant drumming of hellfire and brimstone. Far too often, judgmentalism, legalism, and ostracism came with it.

    In response to this, and to such people like the woman in the beginning, there has been an overreaction, perhaps even over-emphasis on the of God. Instead of good theology and analysis, it continues (even to this day) to be an overreaction to a time when the church Hell and condemnation at every turn.

    What can become frustrating and also deceiving is that God is only love. God is love. The love of God is a good thing to think about and focus on.

    However, God doesn’t let a good crisis go to waste. Sounds kind of harsh, doesn’t it? As many parents and teachers can tell you, sometimes you can only explain something so many times until teaches a child.

    Most lifelong lessons are gained through pain of some sort. It is, sadly, the way we are. This is also why confronting a false view of the God of the Old Testament is crucial to our Christian walk and to our ability to .

    As the impending doom approaches Jerusalem, and the people why, God in many more words says, “because you didn’t listen the first thousand times I told you!” Yet, that isn’t the !

    God tells Jerusalem that this exile will be as (or more) defining for them than the Exodus was for all of Israel. That’s a big order! It just so happens to have occurred that way, too.

    Some would this the carrot and stick method, yet it really isn’t. The opportunity for the carrot is gone. In many respects, this is no longer a stick. For the donkey (or mule) that this method is supposedly used on, there is required to be a hostler doing it.

    The hostler (God) left the animal (Jerusalem) on its own to fend for itself in the wilderness. The time for carrots and sticks was passed.

    This does not mean God didn’t love them. Quite the contrary! God knew that they had to learn on their own.

    For God’s own sake, God put in front of them. For God’s own sake, Judah would not be lost forever. For God’s own sake, he would bring a tempered people home.

    From the opening story, the study leaders stopped the study and gently taught her, “God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. The God of the Old Testament is the same God of the New Testament.”

    God has not changed.


    Lord, help us to recognize your discipline as love, as much as we don’t like it. Help us to look at our pains and trials as something through which you are teaching us and . Amen.


    1) Do you tend more toward the “God of Punishment” or the “God of Love”? Why do you think that is?

    2) Do you really learn better or for longer-term through pain or pleasure?

    3) How would you to someone like the woman in the story? How would you guide her through thinking about God being unchanging?

  • Here’s Looking At…

    Here’s Looking At…

    Matthew 27:1–11; John 21:12–23

    What’s that to me?

    Sounds like you have a problem.

    These and similar phrases/ are quite prevalent in our society. The first issue that they shine a on is pride. This may not only be the pride of the responder, but it may also be the pride of the asker.

    In Judah’s case, there was definitely a desire to restore some pride. He was ashamed of what he’d done, although it might be more accurate to say that he regretted what was happening to .

    Had the priests willingly taken the silver, would that really have absolved Judas of his ? No. Would it have made him feel better? A little perhaps. The result of Judas’ , however, was going to happen.

    The priests’ , however, is even more to the point. What did this problem of Judas have to do with them? They really had to ?

    Yes, Judas came to them to offer up Jesus. From their perspective, it seems, this absolved them of any crimes. In our day, that would still fall under a conspiracy to commit murder.

    The are full of references of the leaders “looking for” ways to “take care” of Jesus. While Judas was the easy route, it still seems clear that the leaders were going to have their way. In other words, they were still guilty.

    What did Judas’ guilt over the silver and betrayal have to with the leaders? Nothing, and yet everything!

    When Peter asks the resurrected Jesus, what about him (John)? Like many of us, he looked around and saw someone not “experiencing” the same thing, and went, what about him?

    Jesus roundaboutly tells Peter that it is not his concern. Peter was just asked some wrenching questions (long explanation about the Greek). His anguish was probably still pretty strong.

    Jesus, however, was telling Peter to focus on the right thing. In other words, Jesus’ response was, “you’re looking at the wrong person, Peter. Keep looking at (following) me.”

    When we look to Jesus, a lot the “what about” questions go away, or at least they should. We are all working on that. We all still have a lot of those questions, so let’s look to Jesus.

    Judas was looking to Jesus as Jesus, but something (or someone) Jesus wasn’t. Judas’ plans for Jesus weren’t Jesus’ plans for Jesus. There are still people like that.

    We know the priests didn’t look to Jesus. They wanted to be rid of him. There are people like that.

    Peter looked to Jesus, but he got distracted a lot. There are people like that.


    , guide our hearts to keep looking to Jesus. Prompt us to reset ourselves, daily, hourly, minute-by-minute to look to Jesus. Amen.


    1) Have you ever asked, “what about me?” How about, “what have you done for me lately?”

    2) If you haven’t (see question 1), have you done or thought something that could be similar?

    3) How does pride affect how, when, and why people look at Jesus?