Tag: questions

  • Storied Reflections

    Storied Reflections

    Jeremiah 2:1–13; Matthew 9:35–38; John 7:37–39

    Jerusalem was heading at full speed away from God and toward destruction. In many respects, this passage is God’s lament for Jerusalem. It is also, in many regards, the lament for the entire heritage of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

    When we read, “Israel was to the LORD, the first fruits of his harvest (Jeremiah 2:3),” we can readily see that this was indeed not only about Jerusalem. Then when we read about the Lord of the Harvest, it’s easy to tie ‘ words to the concept in Jeremiah.

    There are two important aspects to this. First, is that from a Law standpoint (and even to the offerings of today) God is the Lord of our . This means that we recognize that we are God’s beneficiary and in .

    The second aspect is the implication that Israel was not the only harvest. Yes, they were the first fruits. That leaves the of the harvest, which is the rest of the world. In other words, it’s us.

    Something that needed to be addressed was Jerusalem’s arrogance about God. The overwhelming opinion was that they didn’t need God, and all these other gods were good enough or even better.

    Some will be quick to point at a particular country, and say, “yes, that is why the country is…” The reality is that Israel is the country called. The rest are a people called.

    Jerusalem (and the world) had long fallen into the lifeless hands of useless idols. People were eager to do so. They do so today.

    Thus, it becomes a critical point regarding water. It shouldn’t be lost on us that “ Water” is used here. For Christians, it is easy to tie “Living Water” to Jesus. This also shows that Jesus was tying himself to/as God when he used that language.

    In many respects, the objection is that Jerusalem acts as if it is independent and pulled itself up by the bootstraps (using a more modern phrase). Jerusalem, as part of its story, should know the truth.

    The same could be said of us. Even we Christians, especially American ones, can tend toward so-called self-reliance, which is like building our own cracked cistern. It holds water, for a time. It ages. It leaks. And the water is stagnate.


    Lord, help us to wisely look at the story of Jerusalem and Israel, applying your Truths to our lives. Help us to put all things in , that we may live fully under your wings. Amen.


    1) What does harvest look like in your life? How do you apply first fruits—not just money—to your life?

    2) What in your life has been more like the cistern than Living Water?

    3) Why is it important to keep in mind that we are called as a people, and not as a ? Does that mean how/where the nation goes is not important?

  • Wholly New or Newly Whole

    Wholly New or Newly Whole

    2 Corinthians 5:14–21; Titus 1:1–3

    The “new ” is an often-quoted phrase. Like many verses in the Scriptures, it can stand on its own. However (you knew that was coming), in context its meaning is so much more important than a mere new creation. It is a creation with a purpose.

    While it is accurate to say that we are new creations through Jesus Christ, it also leaves too much interpretation to the speaker and the hearer as to what exactly that means. The common first is (along the lines of), no longer a sinner, or, reconciled to God, or a child of God.

    All of these are theologically accurate. The problem is they are also very selfish and self-centered. These statements are about us. Being a new creation is about us. It also about God.

    In particular, what is our purpose? Why are we a new creation? Why does being a new creation even matter?

    The answer comes earlier, “…so that those who live should no longer live for themselves, but for the one who died for them and was raised.”

    Let’s be honest with ourselves, we still live for ourselves. We often make decisions based on our desires or through seemingly logical decisions. Sometimes we’ll even “pray” about them. Are the results really about Jesus Christ?

    Now, this really could go down a road that Paul did not intend. Paul didn’t mean for a blacksmith (for example) to stop being a blacksmith and stop making blacksmith decisions. Nor did Paul mean that one stops being a parent (adopted or biological). Yes, both of those are possibilities, but that isn’t the point.

    Really, the new creation is more along the lines of thinking of for their benefit because Jesus Christ thought of your benefit, even while you were estranged from God.

    In this comes the question, is the new creation a completely (wholly) new thing or is it the old thing made whole. Either answer still ultimately results in something new, it’s just the emphasis that has changed.

    Once the “new” has come into its fullness, then this new creation seeks to draw people to Christ by loving them, thinking well of, and for them, even if it gains no worldly benefit. The new creation is to bring the not-yet-made-new to a point in their lives to be made new.

    Bringing along the not-yet-made-new may take a while. Even God, as Paul tells Titus, took time to reveal the fullness of God’s saving message. It will take time for us to reveal it to others, too.

    We are called, as new creations, to be faithful in bringing more people into the fold of God’s , no matter how long it may take and how many setbacks there are.

    We are called to all in their hate, their , their , their ignorance. We also do this knowing that we still have hate, fear, jealousy, and ignorance in us, too.


    Lord, make us new every day. Help us to put yesterday in its place, and step into today in the fullness of your grace, , and love. Amen.


    1) If you have saving in Jesus Christ, what was your first “symptom” of being made new? If you do not yet have such a saving faith, what might (or should) someone look like who has given their to Jesus Christ? Why?

    2) Why does it matter if we are wholly new or newly whole? What is the difference?

    3) What was the last decision you prayed about? What makes you think the answer was the Jesus answer?

  • One of the Fam

    One of the Fam

    Matthew 12:46–50; John 14:18–26

    The passage from John would have created a rather large stir in the culture. publicly equated non-blood relations as equal to familial relations.

    The was first in the culture. A good way to think of it is how a person is called in many Asian countries. The family comes before the personal/individual name. One only calls another by their individual name by permission (accepted into a close relational circle) or by blood.

    Americans and other Western cultures might tend to equate this with Mr., Mrs., and Ms. However, that is not the same, nor are they intended to be. Modern Western cultures (except for the remaining nobility, perhaps) do not hold the family in the same way. That is not a knock against Western Culture, just merely a of differences.

    It should was highly likely that mom and brothers had one of two responses, 1) there goes the crazy kid again, 2) WE are his family, not THESE people.

    It’s not that Jesus was disrespecting his family, and certainly not his mother. Jesus was redefining what it meant to be a member of his family, which was not exclusive to his mother (and ) and brothers. This new family included them; it just included a bunch of (like you and me).

    As Jesus was completing his final discourse with his disciples, he told them that they were not orphans, nor were they abandoned. This is, again, family language. How severe their separation was from their families at that point or later is conjecture.

    The use of the family language tells us that something was happening there. The concept of what is family was changing. The boundaries of familial blood were replaced with the boundaries of God’s saving work on the cross.


    Lord, we thank you that you have called us into a family larger than we can imagine. Help us that we are indeed family, despite our many differences. May our lives be ones of that draw more into your family. Amen.


    1) Have you ever been party to the breaking of family bonds (either by you or others)? What were the various reactions?

    2) If you were Mary or Jesus’ brothers, what would your response have been, especially as Jesus’ response was so public?

    3) Why is the concept of family (not the stereotypical “nuclear” family) so critical to the and its people?

  • Red or White?

    Red or White?

    Genesis 18:16–33; Jeremiah 5:1–9; Romans 3:5–24

    God hates me. God would/could never love me. God doesn’t care about me. No one can measure up to that standard.

    Any of those sound familiar?

    When we read stories such as Sodom and Gomorrah it is easy to be overwhelmed by the sheer immensity of destruction. Yet, there in the story there something important to read.

    Abraham’s questions about the 50, 45,40, 30, 20, 10 and the response to the question gives us some insight. From all appearances, there was one man…Lot. Even Lot’s “righteousness” might have more to do with Abraham’s and not Lot’s (see Genesis 19:29).

    From our human , what happened seems out of proportion. The ways of Sodom and Gomorrah were obviously long wrong.  God did not do this on a whim. Yet, in the middle of all the wrong, 10 righteous people would have prevented disaster.

    As the end of the of Judah approached, there, too, was an opportunity to everything. All it would have taken is one righteous person. As the Scriptures show, however, that was not to be.

    What does this say about us? tells us that it is the very unrighteousness of humanity that displays the righteousness of God. Even in that, there is grace.

    There is a long list that is part of Paul’s words. It is a list (Romans 3:10–18) condemning humanity for its response to God. Why would God want such creatures?

    If you had someone who constantly said bad things to you, tossed your gifts at your feet (or the garbage), and gave credit everyone but you about the good things you’d done for them, what your response be?

    God’s answer was through the cross. Truth? We aren’t by any measure of that . Truth? God did it out of love.


    Jesus, thank you for the cross. God, thank you for your on us. , thank you for drawing us to you. Amen.


    1) When you read Paul’s list, how does it feel? To you feel condemned or judged? Or, do you feel something else?

    2) How does grace and redemption feel in the face of that list?

    3) What do you think your ongoing response should be as a result?

  • Fruit Basket

    Fruit Basket

    Daniel 3:8–30; Matthew 7:15–20; Revelation 20:11–15

    Thinking about fire is often not comfortable. Homes burn. Forests burn.

    On the other hand, metal is purified through fire. Through that fire, many beautiful and amazing things are made.

    Just like in our own lives, fire serves different purposes in the Scriptures. The number of times it is mentioned is numerous.

    Most of us are familiar with the story of the three companions of Daniel tossed into the fiery “pit”. Nebuchadnezzar (though really those around him) used it to kill the three. Instead, God used it to show God’s power and might, and the protection of those loyal.

    This is not to say that we should all jump into fiery pits. On the other hand, the world is full of many other kinds of fiery pits.

    There is a thin line between a fire of refinement, and a fire of destruction. Without God’s saving hand Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego would have died. That is often the case with us.

    Yet, drew a different picture. Jesus’ picture was that of fruitless lives. For those who view themselves harshly, these words of Jesus are hard. They can even be -destroying.

    What is good fruit? Is it only the fruits of the ? Is it only disciples? Is it only baptisms? Is it only giving water to the thirsty? Is it only loving the unloved?

    The hard question for too many Christians is not what good fruit is, but what is enough good fruit. If a parent has five children, and only 2 follow the Lord, is that enough good fruit?

    If one is -filled and generous of heart but doesn’t “see” a single person come to Christ through them, are they still producing good fruit?

    If you are one of the blessed that doesn’t view through the how much is good enough lens, be grateful that you aren’t, and be grace-filled toward those who are.

    In a performance-based culture, such as in the States, how much fruit is not a small question. For many, this may indeed be why they shy away from faith and faith questions. If you will be judge by how much fruit, why walk into a judgmental situation?

    The flip side of this is also bad. Not counting the fruit has other issues, such as not equipping, discipling, and holding one another accountable. This flip side has also become an issue in the church. In not counting the fruit, it’s hard to evaluate (including, but not only, self-evaluation) one’s spiritual life.

    The fact of fruit (or lack thereof), the quality of fruit, and the quantity of fruit are all valid questions that Christians should of themselves and others. Truth must be balanced in love and grace; that way we are all willing to hear and confront the truth.


    Lord Jesus, if our hearts our weighed by the thought of fruit, lighten our load. Holy Spirit, guide and prune us that we produce fruit for God’s . God, we put our very being into your hands, you with your creation. Amen.


    1)Do you ever count your fruit? Why or why not?

    2) Evaluate your fruit right now. After “evaluating” your fruit, what is your conclusion?

    3) How does the fire of refinement and destruction apply to producing fruit?

  • Passionate Rightful Love

    Passionate Rightful Love

    Luke 11:14–28; Romans 12:9–21

    Can you think of a house that is divided? It shouldn’t be hard at this point. It is displayed for the whole world to see.

    The States has a motto: E pluribus unum. It means, “Out of many, one.” Yet it seems that instead, it ought to be, “E pluribus chaos”.

    There is little that appears orderly at this time. While the US looks first to itself, and other countries, too. Even the countries that ridicule the current US situation have their own divisions to deal with.

    Within our states, cities, and even homes, the division has increased. seems further away and harder to grasp. Regardless of which person wins the presidency in 2020, they will have the unenviable (and likely impossible) task of trying to reunite a divided nation.

    The is not any better at this point. The church is divided, too. An even harder task will be the church trying to be united after it is over.

    What will happen? Only God knows. What will the church do to reunite?

    The church has forgotten, in many ways, what it means to be the church. Jesus is first. Earth (and its powers) are maybe second. Perhaps second is rating it too high.

    Romans 12:9 starts out with “ unhypocritically” or “love without dissimulation”. At this point, the people of the church are not doing this very well. Political allegiances or motives come before loving one’s brothers and sisters in Christ.

    So-called “” Republicans and Democrats espouse love of fellow man and yet castigate one another in hatred. Perhaps it’s not “real” hate, but the hardening of hearts is undeniable.

    Let us on one another to have a Romans 12:9–21 political season. Imagine what would happen if the world saw that.


    Lord, your follower Paul gave us from long ago. Help us to apply to all we meet and especially all with whom we . May your love flow more strongly from us than our worldly beliefs. Amen.


    1) If you don’t know the , look up dissimulation. How might dissimulated love be different than hypocritical love? How are they the same?

    2) How does following the guidance in Romans change how you will interact with ?

    3) How does following the guidance in Romans show the world Jesus? Is that important to you?

  • Who Wears Your Crown?

    Who Wears Your Crown?

    Matthew 5:13–16; Mark 9:43–50; Hebrews 2:1–18

    In a recent Leaders Podcast, the host (Jason Daye) said something that should deeply concern all of us. It’s not what was said was false or wrong. It’s that what was said was true.

    “…many people are quicker to share their political views—who they think is right, who they think is wrong—than they are to share their faith story; than they are to share the of Christ.”

    Let that sink in…all the way to your gut…where it should feel like a brick of lead or a of nausea.

    In much of our political “discourse” (that’s a generous description at this point), are we really any different than the so-called un-saved? Are we marching to the beat of a political ideology or groupthink that does not honor Jesus Christ first?

    Currently, there is no single political party that fully represents (if that is even possible) the of God. In the mainstream political parties, there are many practicing and devout Christians.

    In those same political parties, there are too many (perhaps far more) that mouth so-called words, but do not have a saving with Jesus Christ.

    It is time for the church to be militant. Militant is an old term that is related to the military but was used to traditionally mean vigorously active. That is the militancy we need. The church must not militant in so far as walking in lockstep with a political party or against one.

    What this first requires is that we vigorously question every political view we have and put it to the . This is hard. Often, we can take a verse out of context, and use it to bolster our view.

    For a long time, the church has been guilty of not using the Scriptures when talking about issues and applying them to a view. Instead, the church has been taking a view and using the Scriptures.

    Jesus is King! Long live the King!


    King Jesus, constantly remind us that you are both True king and savior, and nothing and no one of this world could ever be either for us. Amen.

    1) When was the last time (outside of your comfortable group) you shared about Jesus? How about politics?

    2) When you hear statements condemning everyone of a political party, do you agree?

    3) How can you and the church be the Christian voice to the world, rather than a political follower?

  • Why Speak So?

    Why Speak So?

    Numbers 12:4–9; Matthew 13:10–17; Luke 18:31–34

    There is an ongoing tension between the mysteries of God and the revelations of God. There are many people that struggle with God because it seems so much is hidden.

    In the beginning, the church struggled with people who took the saving of Christ, and then had “secret” revelations that went along with it (usually with a price or other sort of loyalty). The results of some of this, were what are called Gnostic or Heretical “gospels” that are built upon that so-called secret knowledge. To this day, some of these books still cause trouble in the church and mislead those who cannot God’s Word.

    As we read in Numbers, the three siblings (Aaron, Miriam, Moses) went before God. Aaron and Miriam (Moses’ older siblings) thought that they should be just as important as Moses. Whether it was a pursuit of , or even the cultural of being older, it didn’t impress God.

    God even differentiated between them (along with later prophets) and Moses by saying that only Moses received straight words. Everyone else would have to deal with riddles, visions, and dreams. In other words, those that received clear would be very few, and would have other miraculous acts that accompanied these words.

    Even Jesus spoke in parables (riddles). Some scholars have speculated that if Jesus had revealed too much too early, the completion of the mission (the crucifixion and ) would have not occurred. In other words, people’s immediate understanding would have short-circuited the ultimate plan of God…the plan of salvation.

    We all understand that what we knew as children was simple (barring a few geniuses). It is the same with our . Our faith grows. As it grows, deepens, and matures we begin to truly wrestle with the parables.

    It is this wrestling that helps us grow stronger.

    Even the 12 that were the closest to Jesus, and even the 3 who were closest, still didn’t get it all the time. And that was without parables. Sometimes, Jesus spoke straightforwardly, and they didn’t get it.


    Lord, we want to understand. Help us when we just want the answers rather than to them. Help us to be -filled towards those who are learning your Truths. Amen.


    1) What was the hardest question you’ve ever had to answer? What made it hard?

    2) What things can make a question hard?

    3) What do you think of when you , “there is no such thing as a dumb question”? How do you think that applies to the parables of Jesus?