Tag: resurrection

  • At The Gates

    At The Gates

    Psalm 118:1–2, 19–29; Jeremiah 33:10–16; Mark 10:32–34, 46–52

    When we read the “barren” in Jeremiah, we often think it is talking about the land, in particular the environment. The barrenness is in regard to people, in particular, God’s people (and their herds). They will soon no longer reside in the Promised Land, praising and worshiping God.

    Poor decisions made by the People of God led to the barrenness and their exile. In to their despair of exile, God promises them restoration. They have not even repented and God already promises their . God spoke into the darkness. God spoke hope in the face of the people’s .

    Fear is often a response to the unknown. Fear is also a response when we think we know what bad will come to pass. Those that followed behind the Disciples likely presumed the demise of this Messiah (self-declared Messiahs weren’t unknown, and they all died). They weren’t wrong.

    This particular journey of Jesus to Jerusalem would indeed end in Jesus’ . Those that feared weren’t wrong. Without being too specific (we have to remember that we often read the end into Jesus’ words, and the Disciples weren’t there, yet), Jesus spoke hope to the fear. Even while describing what would happen to him, Jesus spoke hope into the darkness.

    The story of blind Bartimaeus seems to be just one of those stories of Jesus, but don’t overlook its placement within the context of Jesus’ final journey to Jerusalem. Bartimaeus was physically blind. Bartimaeus, on the other hand, had spiritual . We could just dismiss his cries to Jesus as pure desperation. Jesus, though, doesn’t seem to to sole desperation at other points in the Scriptures. Bartimaeus was something more. It seems quite reasonable that Bartimaeus’ place in the Gospel was to represent a counterpoint to the physically sighted who were spiritually blind.

    The particularly glaring issue with the spiritually blind was how much vision they thought they had regarding spiritual issues, and definitely someone as significant as the Messiah. The so-called enlightened being compared to the least (a physically impaired person whose only source of income was through begging) would have been quite insulting.

    Mark’s intent likely was that jarring comparison. As Mark wrote after the , death, and resurrection of Jesus, Mark (along with other followers of Jesus) would be striving to confront those that thought they were spiritually enlightened with the world-changing Jesus.


    • Which is your strongest tendency? (1) Seeing the bad that can/will happen and being overwhelmed with your fear of it (i.e., like those who followed the Disciples), (2) So consumed with the spectacle that your are blind to the darkness around or ahead of you (i.e., the Disciples), (3) Are sure you know that bad or darkness ahead but face it with the peace and strength of God (i.e., like Jesus)?
    • Are you quick to assume you have Godly spiritual vision, or do you wonder if you are spiritually blind?


    Lord, each of us have different responses to the world and its struggles. Help us to build Godly responses to the darkness. Amen.

  • No Name

    No Name

    Proverbs 8:1–2; Mark 3:13–19

    Many people have had nicknames growing up. Some of them were insulting. Some of them were just strange. Others were relating an to something else. Others were shortening of a proper of the person.

    “Captain” was sometimes used in my childhood (thank you, Star Trek). Ian is pretty hard to make a nickname out though (except with rhymes, which aren’t quite the same) . I was (to my face) spared nicknames. It probably also had to do with doing my best to blend in the background.

    A new name was an ancient concept. Abram became Abraham. Jacob became Israel. Both received new names as they crossed a certain line of in and relationship with God.

    Simon (Hebrew)/Peter (Greek) /Cephas (Aramaic)  received a name. As near as we can tell, he was a passionate follower of Jesus. Would the comparison of Abraham or Israel apply? It didn’t seem so immediately. Upon the , though, it seems that Peter did indeed cross “the line”.

    James and John were given a joint nickname. Their name has been hypothesized in many ways. My favorite is the easiest. Their father was a very LOUD man.

    I shared an office with such a person. If he entered the office, I didn’t answer the phone or got off the phone, because it was hard to another person when this man talked in his tone. Imagine him yelling then (that happened…in the office…many times). That’s how I see Zebedee.

    What does that tell us about James and John? They were probably loud, too. Maybe not quite to their dad’s level, but close enough! That’s my thought, anyway.

    Have we forgotten the of names? The Harry Potter series had a villain “who must not be named.” In the “world” of Harry Potter, names had power.

    As a rule, Christians no longer write G-d, or Y-H, or something else. Many reverent Jews still will not write the name of God, or even the title. “Lord” is the translated euphemism for names of God.

    Yet, in other ways, we recognize and abuse the power of names: Trump, Biden, Republican, Democrat, Liberal, Conservative. Often names are used to quell dissension and discussion.

    Other emblems of courtesy, such as “Mister, Missus, Miss, Ma’am, Sir” are falling into disuse. While these are titles, more than names, yet these too are power. That is actually part of the reason they have fallen into disuse. They grant power to others.

    That is the odd thing about names. They provide power and identity for ourselves. They can also provide power to others. They can also destroy. Like many such things, the power to destroy is very easy.

    The power to destroy seems to us power. Yet, by tearing another person down, we often display the very weakness we are trying to hide.


    • Have you ever had or given a nickname? What was the reason behind it? What was the feeling behind it?
    • Have you ever wanted to (or did) change your given name? Why?
    • What name of yours defines you best?


    Jesus, the Name Above All Names, thank you for drawing us into your . May we be of your name. Amen.

  • Flame Bright in the Dark

    Flame Bright in the Dark

    Matthew 25:1–13

    The Creed (one of the statements of belief that cross all denominations) is as follows (maybe even read it aloud):

     We believe in one God,
            the Father, the Almighty,
            maker of heaven and earth,
            of all that is, seen and unseen.
     We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ,
            the only Son of God,
            eternally begotten of the Father,
            God from God, Light from Light,
            true God from true God,
            begotten, not made,
            of one Being with the Father;
            through him all things were made.
            For us and for our 
                    he came down from heaven,
                    was incarnate of the  and the Virgin Mary
                    and became truly human.
                    For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate;
                    he suffered death and was buried.
                    On the third day he rose again
                    in accordance with the Scriptures;
                    he ascended into heaven
                    and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
                    He will come again in  to judge the living and the dead,
                    and his kingdom will have no end.
     We believe in the Holy , the Lord, the giver of life,
            who proceeds from the Father and the Son,
            who with the Father and the Son is worshiped and glorified,
            who has spoken through the prophets.
            We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church.
            We acknowledge one  for the forgiveness of sins.
            We look for the resurrection of the dead,
                    and the life of the world to come. Amen.

    In the Church of the Nazarene, we don’t say this creed much. Which really is too bad. It is the basics of the universal Christian faith.

    In the light of today’s Scripture, it is “He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end” that is our focus.

    Today’s Scripture is a warning to be for the return of Jesus. We lose a lot of this story because so much of it is cultural. The bridesmaids are to escort the (and essentially the groom) to the groom’s home for the marriage ceremony.

    There would be dancing and singing along the way. Sleeping was wise. However, part of the situation is that there was often last-minute negotiations between the families of the bride and groom.

    So, the announcement of “the groom comes” could be done, and then something else would come up, and the whole thing would begin again. The reality was that “the groom comes” could be said many times without a groom actually coming.

    The coming of Christ has been that way for 2000 years. “He’s coming…oh, …He’s coming…oh, wait…” That cycle has been repeated for generations. Many of us recall multiple times in our lives when people have been convinced that Jesus was coming back.

    We are the bridesmaids. We are the bride (the church). It’s weird, I know. We are both bridesmaids and bride and yet still ourselves.

    Christmas wasn’t that long ago. Part of the story is the glory of Heaven that shined down and declared the birth of the Savior. Epiphany (less than 2 weeks ago, and still the church season) is about a star that led unbelievers to venerate the new King.

    Whether a thief in the night, a baby in a manger, a choir from Heaven, somehow Christ will come in glory. We are called to be prepared.


    Christ has died. Christ has risen. Christ will come again. May we be continually preparing for his return. Amen.

  • Power Granted

    Power Granted

    Isaiah 41:14–20; John 1:29–34

    ♫ Nobody likes me; everybody hates; just because I eat wo-oorms ♫

    I don’t know if you that song from your childhood. I recall it as some weird camp song. Really, who would eat worms?

    At the same time, I did learn that other cultures ate maggots, caterpillars, and even worms. They would fry them up or even eat them raw.

    Still, though, as being raised in the US, we’re not really into worms as part of our diet. One of our biggest things about worms is, “the early bird gets the worm,” and the first robins of spring eating worms.

    With that in mind, let’s be happy we’re worms!

    Isaiah’s words are odd to us. Which is understandable. Why would someone want to be a worm? I remember kids saying they’d like to be an eagle, or a horse, or a wolf. I don’t recall someone saying they wanted to be a worm.

    For us, it is strange to be called a worm or an insect. Yet, in comparison to the Glory and power of God…we are. That is point of Isaiah’s words. Today we might say something like, “we know everything is crazy. We know the world is not making any sense right now. We know that you are hurting or have been hurting. We want you to know that God is bigger than all of that.”

    Worms and insects may not be attractive to you. However, it sums up a far larger number of words. All of it to say, God’s got this.

    That was God’s message to Israel. God is their hope. God is their . If they are looking elsewhere…failure!

    The language God uses is fascinating. The Israelites would flatten and shape mountains! For us that is solved by explosives and earth movers. In fact, it’s not all that impressive to us. To the Israelites, this was a huge indicator of power! God wouldn’t just redeem them (though that was good), God would give them the power to shape the world!T

    he promise wasn’t just redemption. This is key, especially as we look at Jesus’ coming, along with the story of Jesus’ baptism. Being baptised into the death and of Jesus is not only about redemption. That’s still great! That’s just not all.

    In fact, one of the greatest of the modern is redemption and forgiveness has been the evangelistic focus. The power was kind of missed. Some of the charismatic churches displayed “power” through being “slain in the ” or “speaking in tongues”.

    It might sound dismissive, but…that’s it?

    In Isaiah, God ties redemption to power, and not just any power, the power to the world. Of course, just because one has the power, doesn’t mean you should use indiscriminately. We are called to love first, and the power should be motivated by the sacrificial love for others.


    • What’s your power? (Note that the question wasn’t, do you have power?)
    • Why do you think the church (as a whole) surrendered the power, and was satisfied only with redemption?
    • Why is it so important to know, believe, and with the understanding that redemption is only the beginning?


    God, you gave us the power to mountains, emotional mountains, and spiritual mountains. Help us remember that you also gave us the responsibility to use it wisely and with love, and leave it withering away. Amen.

  • A Promise

    A Promise

    Isaiah 44:21–28; Ezekiel 34:25–31; Mark 14:22–26

    Remember. We are called on to remember things every day. Some have become so ingrained (putting undergarments, I hope) that we don’t actually remember them; we just do them.

    Like many things that are ingrained, aren’t. We might take them for granted, but that doesn’t make them ingrained.

    Isaiah’s call to the descendants of Jacob was REMEMBER! Remember God, who formed them, called them and redeemed them. They needed to be reminded…again.

    This time, they are called to celebrate. Celebrate . Celebrate . Celebrate a with God.

    The unfolding of their redemption, eventually, results in a new covenant of peace. This new covenant was to change the very face of the Promised Land.

    The of this covenant was delivered while talking about their return from captivity and exile. This makes the promise sure, as they were indeed delivered. So, where was the fulfillment of this new covenant?

    We Christians say that of course, it is Jesus. Jesus’ life and personified the concepts of relationship and redemption. The is the exclamation point of the promise in Ezekiel.

    In the Kingdom of God, the lion and the lamb lie down .


    For you, what is the most important fact about God’s promises? Why?


    God, you have been faithful to us, even when we wander. We you praise, glory, and thanks for your -filled love. Amen.

  • Moving Stone

    Moving Stone

    Mark 16:1-7; Ephesians 2:11–22

    The was an event. Obviously. Yet, in many respects, we miss the extending of the Resurrection. Yes, the Resurrection shows that there is something after. It also shows us that there is something more.

    The event itself begins with what cannot be done alone. The stone being rolled away. This is not a one-, two-, or even three-person job. The stone that would go in front were HEAVY.

    The first “witness” to the Resurrection event was actually the stone being moved. An obstacle beyond a single ‘s ability to bear was removed. Perhaps it is a stretch. Yet, the biggest obstacle for the Marys and Salome to be was removed by God.

    This truly might be reading too much into it. At the risk of that, though, think of Paul’s words to the Ephesians, “For he is our peace, who made both groups one and tore down the dividing wall of hostility” (Ephesians 2:14).

    The dividing wall is not a small obstacle between two very different people groups who view the other as scum or dirty. The , , , and of the Gospel are able to not just remove what separates them; it is able to join them together.

    The significance is that while their obedience and work is part of the process, it is who has done the greater work. The primary effort is not that of humanity; it is of God.

    When we are divided by seemingly impossible walls, we either try to stay on “our side”, try to scale the wall, or even try to destroy the wall. We often do this in our own power.

    The secular world continues to try to do this by attempting to “adjust” thinking through programs, training, and peer pressure. However, this too is only a work of humanity. It is, as the secular world continues to and forget, doomed to fail.

    For those of us who claim Jesus as our Lord and Savior, however, we are called to something greater. Regardless of your political leaning, the church is to be an example of how to love. Currently, one of the biggest barriers in the US is political.


    What is one specific thing YOU can do to help heal the divide? Why is it critical to know that the Gospel is the way to remove the divide? How does secular society try to emulate the Gospel?


    Jesus, thank you for removing the wall that separates us from you, and us from each other. Help us to remember the grace, mercy, and love you have shown us, as we engage the world. Amen.

  • Thieving Glory

    Thieving Glory

    Matthew 24:42–44; 1 Thessalonians 5:2–6; Revelation 16:12–16

    Calling God a thief seems more than just a little ridiculous. Yet, Jesus uses the imagery of a thief to talk about the Day of the Lord.

    The Day of the Lord is an ambiguous phrase. Many (perhaps even most) Christians, think of the “Day of the Lord” as the day that Jesus will . From a Jewish , this is not the case.

    The Day of the Lord is a phrase used to indicate an occasion where/when the earthly way of things (the status quo) will be shaken. There are two primary uses of this phrase. The first is the impending consequences of unfaithful behavior by the Israelites. The second is when God restores Israel by throwing down those that oppressed them.

    This is not to say that the “Day of the Lord” is not Jesus’ return (for that is the penultimate Day of the Lord). It is better to say that there will be many Days of the Lord.

    The comparison between the dramatic Day of the Lord the Jews were expecting at the time of Jesus and the thief in the night is not incidental. In many respects, the impending Day of the Lord was Good Friday, followed by , followed by Pentecost.

    To Christians, we don’t view these as “thief in the night” moments. General history, however, only finds them important due to Christianity. The of Jesus was just another day of Roman “” and fearmongering. The was only witnessed by a few.

    Pentecost, by far, was the biggest event (people-wise) of the three, and yet it was relatively insignificant to an Empire, and only “another” sect to deal with for the Jews. Yes, this sect became troublesome for the Jews and the Romans, but it didn’t start that way.

    One of the biggest struggles that Christians have about the “Day of the Lord” is that they continue to look for big signs. They want drama. They want action.

    Jesus’ return may indeed be on clouds of glory (he says it, but is it literal or imagery), but Jesus didn’t say how many would it.


    1) In the US, we often look to elections or wars as “the Day of the Lord”. What other events come to mind?

    2) Why is it important to keep the “thief” motif in mind when thinking about Jesus’ return?

    3) Why do you think uses dark and sleep to talk about “the thief” (think beyond the obvious)?


    Father, as we wait for your ‘s return, let your Spirit burn inside of us, and keep the light of your love and glory shining, that we are ready for such a time as that. Amen.

  • Following


    Matthew 10:21–22; Matthew 12:46–50; Luke 11:27–28

    Have you ever been in a …and it’s going well…and then it’s really digging in…and then someone interrupts? That feeling of…really? Couldn’t you have held out just a bit longer?

    Really? What was so important?

    . Except, in comparison to the , what is family? That might sound a bit harsh, yet for those who chose to follow when he was walking on earth and especially those that followed him after the , that was reality. For many, it was versus family on earth.

    In the 2 later passages (Matthew 12 and Luke 11), Jesus is teaching about the of God. Then people interrupt with the family on earth. In Matthew 12, it is a combination of those listening and his earthly family that interrupt the teaching about the Kingdom of Heaven.

    Jesus’ to that is to include all those around him as mother and brothers, as long as they do the will of God.

    Another time, a stranger interrupts Jesus to bless his mother, Mary. Not that her is a bad thing, but what does this have to do with the Kingdom of God?

    His response is similar to before. Blessed are those who follow God.


    1) Have you ever had a situation where the path before you appeared to be God or (earthly) family? If so, what regrets do you have for whichever path you chose? If not, why do you think you were spared that choice?

    2) How can the Kingdom of God replace our earthly families? What does the Kingdom of God seem to be missing (sometimes?) versus earthly families?


    , you have called us to be your children. We are still children in the world, too. Help us to look to you for guidance as we navigate the earthly family around us. Amen.