Tag: trusting

  • You Want Me to do What?

    You Want Me to do What?

    1 Samuel 3:1–21; Acts 9:10–19a

    One of the biggest memes currently floating around is basically “forget 2020”. The gist of it is that it was such an upsetting year (politically, culturally, environmentally, health-wise, etc.) that we should just put it behind us. Is that, though, what we should do?

    Eli was not the head priest that he was called to be. Earlier in 1 Samuel 2, we read that his sons took their place as priests as a license to do as they wished. Their practices regarding the sacrifices and toward the women serving in the temple are noted. We can safely assume that if they were willing to do that, the undocumented part of the lives wasn’t any better.

    Eli’s admonishment of his sons was weak at best. He did not utilize his authority nor exercise his responsibility to “de-frock” (as we would call it today). Eli wasn’t evaluated based upon his sons’ behavior, but based upon how he practiced his role as head priest. There is a strong inference to make that it was the combination of Eli’s lack of effective and his sons’ ongoing behavior that the family would be doomed going , as they were mentioned together (in 1 Samuel 2) in the resulting consequence.

    To be clear, the character of God, and the Scriptures bear out, that God would have restored Eli’s family had they repented (concluded with action, not just words). Instead, as Eli’s response to Samuel shows, they (as a family) took a fatalistic view. “The Lord wills it.”

    The relationship between Eli and God (and probably Eli’s sons and God) seems less of a friend and more of a taskmaster. What is even more telling is something we read in 1 Samuel 1; Eli is more than will to correct the perceived behaviors of (Samuel’s mother). Eli’s sons, as priests, are left alone without consequences.

    Ananias also received bad news from God. He was to go to the man who lead the uprooting, exiling, and even killing of other followers of The Way (the of the sect prior to being called Christian). Ananias viewed it as a death sentence.

    Ananias’ response was quite different to Eli’s. Ananias was scared. While we could interpret it as a “fatalistic” (i.e., if I die, it’s God’s will), that does not really appear to be Ananias’ . Ananias was obedient and that God had a plan. Ananias trusted that he would survive the “enemy” encounter, for God did not send him to die (he believed). That’s not fatalism.

    Ananias chose to face reality. Ananias chose to walk ahead in , , and love. He made this decision while knowing the past.

    Looking back at 2020 and looking toward 2021, we can either be Eli or Ananias.


    The “Joy of the Lord” is part of the mature Christian walk. How could those be expressed through Eli and Ananias?

    Why is “facing reality” as much a part of looking back and looking forward, as faith, hope, and love are?

    Facing reality often includes facing . What changes are you facing in 2021, and how will you live them out faithfully before God?


    God, as we look to the , while not forgetting the past, help us to be faithful and trusting people. Deepen our understanding of what it means to live out your will in our lives. Amen.

  • Burning Light

    Burning Light

    As the more reclusive type (i.e., sitting alone, or with my wife, quietly in a space without other people), it is easy to fall into a rhythm of not interacting with people. In fact, it’s too easy. These times of non-interaction, however, can produce new thoughts.

    Joni, my wife, baked springerle this Christmas. Springerle is a traditional anise-flavored German cookie that has, for generations, been made by rolling dough into intricate hand-carved molds. She only found a “rolling-pin” style, but it got the job done.

    Springerle molds often served the same purpose as stained-glass windows: telling the story of God through pictures to people who could not read. In preparation for next year (maybe I’ll help do something other than eat the cookies), I started looking for springerle molds.

    One of the websites I found was in German (which makes sense). They had many molds. One of the ones I found was for a lighthouse. In German, lighthouse is “leuchtturm”. Look at that word for a moment.

    Perhaps it is just my mind. I saw lectern. According to learned people, lectern’s root is the Latin word “lectus”. However, as the term lectern was (supposedly) only used for the reading of the , perhaps leuchtturm is the true origin of our lectern.

    Just as “Star of Bethlehem” drew (the “wise” men or magi) from afar, so does the speaking and reading of the Scriptures bring light into the world that is in and dying. Similarly, a lighthouse casts its light into the dark seas, providing guidance and the of security to ships.

    While writing devotionals can be difficult, I’ve now spent enough time with God’s word burning that I cannot help but write.

    I will never be that “great” pastor/writer that people talk about. I am only beginning to understand God’s on my life, knowing that it is still growing and changing. I’m okay to not be okay with not knowing, yet still .

    Those magi “trusted” that something amazing was going to happen. Paul “trusted” that God’s call on his life was to the Gentiles (people he himself once viewed hostilely). I “trust” that God is using me through these devotionals.


    What is God calling you to do more of? If you already have a ministry, what is God calling on you to to fulfill His commission for you?

    What new thing might God be calling you to this year?


    God, calls upon us to remember that even Creation (a star) will draw people to you. Help us to remember that the Gospel is for all people, and that you desire that all people come to know you. Help us to be your , trusting, and open servants. May we be and responsive to your call on our lives. Amen.

  • De-Vine



    22 September 2020

    Isaiah 5:1–7; John 15:1–8; Romans 11:13–25

    If you’ve seen ivy or even “domesticated” wisteria and clematis that have been allowed to run free, you can envision a people out of control. A vine does what it does best…spread. There are other plants like the Western Pacific Northwest’s ubiquitous blackberry vines, or the (what becomes) noxious mint plant.

    I like blackberries. I like mint. However, their plants can leave a lot to be desired. If left unchecked, they will conquer a yard (or in the case of the blackberry, the state). I have seen ivy plants choke off and kill beautiful pine trees. I have seen wisteria “worm” its way into decks until the deck is deformed and needs repair.

    If left alone, most plants go “wild”. A wise and experienced pruner (or gardener or vinedresser or arborist, etc.) will prune and trim to guide the plant toward optimal growth. Interestingly, the of different pruners will result in plants that can look similar or can look wildly different.

    A pruner may choose to prune what seems to be good young fruit because they can see that the branch on which that fruit grows may be endangered or will later endanger other branches and fruit if allowed to grow. Even successful fruit growing branches may be pruned.

    One of the concerns regarding Christians is that many think that once they are on the vine of , they’ve arrived. Arrival only happens when we stand before the throne of and have to answer for what we have done with the gifts and graces that God had given us.

    There are some who think they are like the vines in Isaiah that are secure behind protective bushes and thick walls. Those that think they are so protected often succumb to arrogance and laziness. This can be because they think they are the “city on the hill” or a “blessed ”.

    think that because they produce “good” fruit that there will be no trimming or pruning involved. They are firmly based on the “root” (Jesus). They may receive even more trimming and pruning to increase their production of good fruit. The sad part is what fruit might be lost during that pruning. For God’s greater glory, however, such pruning may be necessary.

    The last group is a cautionary tale for us all. Paul addresses the Israelites who have been trimmed from the trunk. Paul addresses the Gentiles who have been grafted into the trunk. Over time those grafts are almost as if they were always part of the trunk. Those grafts, however, can be removed.

    There is no surety of maintaining one’s grafting except relying fully on God. The arrogance of being the original (the Jews/Israelites) or the grafted (the Gentiles) is a barrier to bring the unbranched (those that do not yet know Jesus as Lord and Savior), and (honestly) is a barrier to one’s with God.

    There is the surety in trusting in God and through Jesus. There is the danger when that trust turns into an illness that turns hearts away from God.

    ※ Questions ※

    1) What or where is God pruning in your ?

    2) Is God’s pruning where there is fruit, or is God pruning where there is wildness (not conforming to God’s plan)?

    3) How does arrogance or presumption affect one’s salvation relationship with God? How does it impact what others /see about God?

    Lord, may we be aware of what you are pruning in our lives. Help us to be faithfully and hopefully looking for what will happen as a result. Amen.

  • Fruit Basket

    Fruit Basket

    Daniel 3:8–30; Matthew 7:15–20; Revelation 20:11–15

    Thinking about fire is often not comfortable. Homes burn. Forests burn.

    On the other hand, metal is purified through fire. Through that fire, many beautiful and amazing things are made.

    Just like in our own lives, fire serves different purposes in the Scriptures. The number of times it is mentioned is numerous.

    Most of us are familiar with the story of the three companions of Daniel tossed into the fiery “pit”. Nebuchadnezzar (though really those around him) used it to kill the three. Instead, God used it to show God’s power and might, and the protection of those loyal.

    This is not to say that we should all jump into fiery pits. On the other hand, the world is full of many other kinds of fiery pits.

    There is a thin line between a fire of refinement, and a fire of destruction. Without God’s saving hand Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego would have died. That is often the case with us.

    Yet, Jesus drew a different picture. Jesus’ picture was that of fruitless lives. For those who view themselves harshly, these words of Jesus are hard. They can even be faith-destroying.

    What is good fruit? Is it only the fruits of the Spirit? Is it only disciples? Is it only baptisms? Is it only giving water to the thirsty? Is it only loving the unloved?

    The hard question for too many Christians is not what good fruit is, but what is enough good fruit. If a parent has five children, and only 2 follow the Lord, is that enough good fruit?

    If one is -filled and generous of heart but doesn’t “see” a single person come to Christ through them, are they still producing good fruit?

    If you are one of the blessed that doesn’t view through the how much is good enough lens, be grateful that you aren’t, and be -filled toward those who are.

    In a performance-based culture, such as in the United States, how much fruit is not a small question. For many, this may indeed be why they shy away from faith and faith questions. If you will be judge by how much fruit, why walk into a judgmental situation?

    The flip side of this is also bad. Not counting the fruit has other issues, such as not equipping, discipling, and holding one another accountable. This flip side has also become an issue in the . In not counting the fruit, it’s hard to evaluate (including, but not only, self-evaluation) one’s spiritual life.

    The fact of fruit (or lack thereof), the quality of fruit, and the quantity of fruit are all valid questions that Christians should ask of themselves and others. must be balanced in and grace; that way we are all willing to hear and confront the truth.


    Lord Jesus, if our hearts our weighed by the thought of fruit, lighten our load. , guide and prune us that we produce fruit for God’s . God, we put our very being into your hands, trusting you with your . Amen.


    1)Do you ever count your fruit? Why or why not?

    2) Evaluate your fruit right now. After “evaluating” your fruit, what is your conclusion?

    3) How does the fire of refinement and destruction apply to producing fruit?

  • Living Out Love

    Living Out Love

    1 Thessalonians 4:13–14; 1 Corinthians 13:4–13; James 1:22–25 (read online ⧉)

    The well-known atheist, Christopher Hitchens, had many debates (philosophical, scientific) with Christians. During at least one (and probably many) of the debates, he was asked what his was or what hope his view delivered, and he answered honestly…none.

    The world always needs hope. Sermons and devotionals are only to be the groundwork for Christians living out their hope. How one lives out hope is therefore very important. Hope is not just a state of mind or state of being. If we state we have hope and yet live as if we have none, then our hope is a lie and we are hypocrites.

    Paul states that is the greatest of the great three: , hope, love. However, love cannot just be said; it must be done. James’ concern was that people said a lot of things, but did little in response. Today is not that different. Christians say love a lot.

    One could say, especially in this day and , that hope is love lived out. Without love, hope is blind optimism for the future. In love, hope finds its ultimate fulfillment in knowing and trusting God.

    How this often will work out is helping another person not out of obligation or expectation (especially of reciprocation), but out of hope that they will see Christ in and through you.

    This means that people who are different than us (especially in regards to motivations and situations) will still receive hope through the love we show them when we aid or even simply listen to their story.

    Through hope, honest and true hope in the Living God, we are able to be non-judgmental, not because we actually are, but because we trust in the loving and merciful judgment of God. This is also why phrases such as, “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God,” are often so dangerous, for people live out a hope-LESS response for they only know or hear of God’s anger, and never learn about the motivation of God’s anger…love.

    As we watch a slower than desired “return to ”, and as friends, , and some of us are experiencing financial struggles due to a weakening economy, being overcome by fear, hopelessness, pessimism, and cynicism is easy. Being the hope-filled people that God has made us to be is counter-cultural. This is a good thing.

    ※※ A Prayer of Augustine ※※
    Now it is you alone that I love,
    you alone that I follow,
    you alone that I seek,
    you alone that I feel to ,
    because you alone rule justly.
    It is to your authority alone that I want to submit.
    Command me, I pray, to do whatever you will,
    but heal and open my ears
    that I may hear your voice.
    Heal and open my eyes
    that I may see your will.
    Drive out from me
    all fickleness,
    that I may acknowledge you alone.
    Tell me where to look
    that I may see you,
    and I will place my hope in doing your will. Amen

    ※※ Questions ※※
    1) What can you point to in your living (rather than your words) that show you have hope?
    2) Is there a difference between optimism and living in hope? How do you tell the difference in a person’s ?
    3) How is hope counter-cultural?

  • Ways of Speech

    Psalm 1; Exodus 13:3–8; Hebrews 1:1–4 (read online ⧉)

    There is no one way that God speaks, and no one person by whom God speaks.

    The author of Hebrews recalled all the prophets that we have in the Scriptures. In addition, there were the Jewish leaders and teachers that went before that the author also had in mind. Often we think only of the great and lesser prophets (those we have in the Scriptures), and less about those who guided both the collection of the Scriptures, recognition of God speaking through certain Scriptures, and who guided those that followed after them.

    The Christian church really is no different in that regard. Sometimes they are called the Doctors of the Faith (those whose thoughts are foundational of Christian thinking and theology). Sometimes they are called theologians (people who study the work of God). Sometimes they are called philosophers (those think about meaning). Sometimes they are called pastors. Sometimes they are called believers.

    Often God speaks through people in a still small that we do not recognize as being God until long after they have gone. Sometimes we don’t recognize those that have spoken God into our lives, and we may not until we reach the other side.

    Jesus, however, was something altogether different. In the other 2 Abrahamic traditions, Jesus is only a prophet. This is important for prophets are fallible people, just like you and me, even while they are inspired by God. If Jesus is only a prophet, then we have a problem. If Jesus is who he says he is, then we are blessed to know him.

    In this of many voices, we can be drawn away from God at anytime. It is only by knowing and him that we can maintain our walk with him. This is where we often have to choose and it may feel like we are just stabbing in the dark. This is also where we need to walk alongside one another to lift up and encourage one another in the faith.

    Precious , we you all the glory and we can, even when we feel as if we are not worthy of your love. Jesus, we thank you for the life of love that you lived for us, that we could ‘s love lived out. Spirit, continue to counsel us into the perfect that is you, the Triune God.

    1) In the current crisis, what doubts do you struggle with? How are you managing them?

    2) Who, in your life, has provided the greatest impact regarding your walk with God?

    3) What do/would you say to someone that believes that God no longer speaks or that does not believe that God ever spoke?

  • Giving and Moving

    Genesis 22:1-19; Hebrews 11:13-19; Psalm 105-37-45

    The almost sacrifice of Isaac is, for many, one of the hardest passages of scripture to read. Those who are parents cannot imagine being God asking Abraham to do this. Those who are parents cannot imagine being Abraham and being asked to do this. Note the ““. In English translations, we often lose a Hebrew grammar article, נָא (na’). It makes the “take” into, “please take.” Then God says, “…your , your only son, Isaac, whom you love…”.

    As the child of God’s promise, Isaac is Abraham’s “true” son. There is no other child of the promise. Isaac is not just a child of the promise to Abraham, but also to God. And God knows how much Abraham loves Isaac.

    Isaac. We don’t know much about either’s thoughts during their trip to Moriah. Isaac trusted his . At this point, too, Abraham was quite old—his prime behind him—and Isaac was probably an older teenager—entering his prime. Scripture doesn’t say that Isaac fought his father. Isaac trusted his father and allowed (it seems) himself to be bound and placed on the pile of sticks. Culturally, this was not abnormal. Child sacrifices to harsh and unpredictable gods was .

    As Christians, looking back, we cannot help but see Abraham as a of God the Father, and Isaac as God the Son (). The loving father sacrificing his son; the loving son his father.

    As the author of Hebrews notes, Abraham was promised that his descendants of the promise would come from Isaac. Abraham probably didn’t understand, but he had walked long enough with God, that even in the time of trial, , and confusion, he still trusted.

    1) Have you, or someone you know, had a crisis of belief, where your choice was to follow God or up on your dreams or hopes?

    2) What did that crisis teach you about God?

    3) What did that crisis teach you about ?

    4) What did that crisis teach you about yourself?

  • Restart and Reset

    Genesis 17:1–7, 15–16; Romans 4:13–25; Mark 8:31–38 (read online ⧉)

    We celebrate people who reach the 100-year mark (or more). Reporters will how they’ve lived so long, and the person will say that they never did such-and-such, or always did such-and-such, or that it is all about . We are amazed at their . Of course, we are always seeing the once who are out-and-about and doing pretty well.

    If you asked any of them if they would like to have a child at their age, I’m sure they would look you as if you were crazy. Start all over again as a parent?

    Yet, here God is telling Abram, now Abraham, that he was going to be a dad…again. And 90-year old Sarai, now Sarah, will bear her first child.

    To top it all off, Abraham and Sarah would be the ancestors of nations! To see the proof of being ancestors to nations, Abraham and Sarah would either have to live a very long time, or they could God. They did live a long time, but neither saw a grandchild from their . They could only trust God.

    Trust and . By trusting God, God called Abraham . Abraham trusted God, as God trustworthy, thus Abraham had faith that God’s promise would be fulfilled. While Abraham had a long walk in faith, there were probably many things he questioned as to God’s plan.

    Peter opened up with his doubts. He “knew” that God’s plan was wrong. corrects him swiftly and with brutal honesty. Jesus then takes that and expands upon it. Jesus tells his disciples that there is a “cross” for each of us to bear. Yet it is by carrying our cross that we step in concert with God…a walk.

    1) Paul writes about Abraham’s faithful walk with God. Why was Paul so adamant that faith was the driving force, rather than acts? How does this inform your walk with God?

    2) When you read about “picking up your cross”, what does that mean to you?

    3) As we “walk to the cross” through the time of , is it time for you to lay down the cross you carry now, and pick up a new one?