Tag: community

  • A Different Desert Journey

    A Different Desert Journey

    Numbers 14:28–35; Numbers 21:1–4; Numbers 21:21–26; Numbers 21:31–35 (read online ⧉)

    We often think of the Israelites wandering in the desert for 40 years in kind of a nebulous way. There was indeed follow the cloud of smoke by day, and by night. They would settle where pillar did, and then again when the pillar moved.

    Yet, the problem with assumptions is that they are often wrong. We have all been repeatedly told that the Israelites wandered the desert for 40 years. From a certain theological and spiritual point of view, they did.

    The wandering really was a time of waiting. This was the time of waiting between the failure to go into the Promised Land initially, and the ultimate entry into the Promised Land. It was a time of waiting for the rebellious generation to die so that a faithful generation would take its place.

    Some of the Israelites did settle down for a time. As we read, they captured cities that were not in the Promised Land. They settled in them. This is where some of Israel did settle down, beginning the separation of the tribes to their ultimate demise.

    Some were settling in. Some were waiting. Even those who settled-in were still waiting. There was still the next big thing.

    When we wander the spiritual desert of our lives, sometimes things of permanence or stability seem to be there. Just like the Israelites who settled in the non-Promised Land conquered cities, we may be in places that seem as if they are permanent, yet the spiritual desert tells us things are not as they seem.

    As we currently, and wait for the next thing in the world, whether it be COVID-19, the flu (that’s coming), the economy, the US election, political upheaval and tensions elsewhere, there are signs of permanence (homes, family, , , jobs) that are not quite as stable or secure as we want them to be.

    One of the darkest temptations in the spiritual desert is to latch onto the wrong thing. Then we hold onto that wrong thing (sometimes even knowing it’s the wrong thing) rather than taking hold of the good thing that God wants for us.

    , as we and wander our spiritual desert, gently guide us (even unaware) from that which is not good for our journey with you. While we wander and seek, gather us into your loving embrace. Amen.


    1) What is a spiritual desert for you? Does this concept even make sense to you?

    2) Why is stability not necessarily good for our journey with God?

    3) If confronted with the choice of good land that you have now, versus the supposed and unpossessed land of the , which would you choose? Be honest with yourself.

  • Pour


    Matthew 25:14–30; Luke 19:12–27 (read online ⧉)

    If you’re like most people in the US, you have a retirement account. If you’ve retired, the stock market swings may not affect you very much, except for secondary investments. If you are not retired or have other significant investments in the stock market, your stock funds—your financial and security—might seem pretty shaky.

    If you’ve been taught to treat the stock market with a “long game”, then the current volatility isn’t too concerning. If you haven’t been taught that, you’re watching the stock market with acid indigestion when it falls and elation when it rises.

    We really do understand the concept of investing when it comes to . We don’t do so well investing in people.

    Over the last few decades, as the focus on schooling increases (along with its costs), mentoring is talked about a lot, and done very little. There seems to be an that people will now self-educate. There is good in that, as true education (versus regurgitation) requires self-direction. The problem that then arises is a lack of and loyalty.

    In Luke’s version of the minas (i.e., talents), the nobleman who left his servants behind expected self-direction. In this version of this tale, 10 servants are each given a mina (for a total of 10 minas). We only hear about the super-successful , the quite-successful servant, and the vocally ungrateful one. The prologue to the tale indicates that the vocal servant probably voiced the feelings of them all. He was just the only one who said anything.

    What about the other 7 servants? Did any fail and declare bankruptcy? Did some only earn 1 or 2 minas? Did some at least put it in the bank and interest?

    The and difficulties of parables and illustrative stories such as these are that we can miss differences. Most of us read into this Lukan version what we read in Matthew. We see the 3 and miss the 10. The differences in these 2 versions mirror similar tales in our days. Magazines, blogs, TV shows will focus on the super- and quite-successful entrepreneurs and leaders. They rarely pay attention to the burying type but are vicious wolves when they do.

    Except for election season, the remaining 7 are ignored. Leaders will all too often focus on the 3, and not the 7. They will pour 80% of their effort (even its nothing more than taking credit) into the 2, get 800% back, evaluate themselves as successful, and cast-off the 1. The 7? Only God knows. Their potential has been completely squandered.

    This is not to say that everyone is capable of pouring into 10 people and making them all successful. However, the reality is that while the nobleman got something from 2, what does this tell us about his leadership for the other 8?

    All-Seeing God, help us to see those you have put before us to lead and mentor. Help us be humble to ask for the guidance and of others. Amen.


    1) Which of the 10 servants (in Luke’s story) are you?

    2) Who are you pouring into, leading, and mentoring?

    3) Is mentoring and leading a role, or is it a ? Why would the difference matter?

  • La, La, La, I Can’t Hear You

    La, La, La, I Can’t Hear You

    Jeremiah 26:1–15; Romans 5:1–10 (read online ⧉)

    The news is filled with doom. Doom, doom, doom. Many of our movies and entertainment are filled with doom. In the middle of doom, hope is a breath of fresh air.

    On the other hand, some times a message of doom in a time of isn’t doom upon doom, but a message of God. Granted, the message of God may not seem all that positive. If one is set in their ways, even a message of hope can seem like a message of doom.

    That’s exactly what happens, too. The priests, the (false) prophets, and the people heard the words of Jeremiah. They were very unhappy. “We’re fine.” “The [false] prophets say we’re good.” “The [false] prophets say that God will only bless us.” “God wouldn’t really do that to us. We’re the People of God.”

    Who knows what else they said? We might have a pretty good idea if we were to examine ourselves and the wider community, however. This isn’t about LGBT+. This isn’t about politics. This isn’t even about racial issues. Yes, each of these is a part. None are the whole.

    Perhaps God is allowing COVID-19 to show what is truly important…a deep and meaningful relationship with God. That same relationship in turn would create deep and meaningful relationships with others.

    Yet, there are those who still this God’s as a result of sinful behaviors, though as this is global, it is unlikely (based on Biblical examples). Others look at this as a huge cultural shift that will transform human behaviors and relations for some time to come. They are probably correct. Others are looking at this as a troubling time, but insist on trying to to pre-COVID-19 ways either too early, or without weighing all the consequences.

    COVID-19 does show a very human tendency. “Hurry up!” God’s timing is not our timing. Yet, in the COVID-19 season, humanity cannot stop being short-sighted. This echoes the people of Israel spoken to by Jeremiah.

    On the other side of COVID-19 (if there is an “other” side), we might look at Paul’s words to the Romans and give God the glory that God has given us afflictions. Then we might see that we can, did, and will endure to the . Producing [Godly] in this time might be the biggest gift we receive (though there is misery in the training) at this time.

    All of this should be producing an outpouring of hope, according to Paul. Christians are called to be the voice of hope in all things, though especially in hard and uncertain times.

    Hope giving God, fill us with hope. With this hope, may we fill the world in turn with the hope it so desperately needs. May we set aside our desires and wants to be the hope. Amen.

    1) How’s your hope? Is your hope (or lack thereof) contagious?

    2) What is the primary tone of the that you are seeing in your social media (e.g., Facebook)? What are you doing to bring hope into that?

    3) What place does hope hold in your life? What purpose does hope hold in your life?

  • Rescuers & Yachts

    Rescuers & Yachts

    Ezekiel 33:1–16; Matthew 14:22–34; Colossians 4:2–6 (read online ⧉)

    When sailing ships were still the primary transportation across the oceans, John was lost overboard during a storm. Before his friends (the crew) could rescue him, they lost of him in the storm. By providence, there was another ship nearby that did see him and was able to rescue him. John was very grateful that the ship was nearby.

    Many days later, John was eating at a local pub, and started telling his story of his rescue. One of his listeners spoke up after John’s tale and said that he, too, had a similar tale. Will, for that was his name, started talking to John, and they became friends.

    More time passed. John and Will had gathered a number of people around them, and they formed a rescue society, whose purpose was to be the nearby boat to save people in the storms.

    They saved many people over the years. Their society grew. They gathered more and more to their camaraderie. Other people joined just to hear the tales of rescue. Then, as John, Will, and got older, the warmth of the and camaraderie kept them indoors. Soon after, the gatherings became focused on boats. Their rescue society, over time, transformed from rescue society to yacht club.

    Some have said that the true legacy of yacht clubs is not the wealth, but the rescues they forgot about.

    “Making people fully functioning followers of Christ,” and “Encounter, Connect, Serve” are the 2 common phrases (or mission statements) at Generations Community . Then there is the “” (friends who are like ), too. Your church (if it isn’t Generations) may have similar mission statements or values. Something along these lines is quite common among American churches.

    It’s not that these are bad. They really should be second.

    We have been rescued. Have we forgotten? We are called to be the ones who help to rescue those who are lost at sea. All too often, however, we are comfortable at the yacht club.

    Framily is great. Encounter (-ing God), Connect (-ing with God and Others), Serve (the World) are good, too. Becoming fully functioning followers of Christ () is great! However, if we only keep it to ourselves, is it really all that great?

    The world doesn’t need more people hiding behind their walls. The world needs the of Jesus Christ.

    These few words cannot contain the responsibility that each of us must and should feel. This does not mean to be annoying or aggressive. It means be asking and praying for the right to occur, and even many conversations over time. It means being grace-filled in our conversations with others, just as Jesus Christ poured grace over and into us.

    Paul’s words tell to season our conversations with the salt that is Jesus Christ. Be the light.

  • Where You Go

    Where You Go

    Numbers 17:1—11; 1 Corinthians 12:24–28 (read online ⧉)

    Follow the is not just a game for children. It is the of adults. Each of us has at least one leader in our lives, and usually more. Leaders can take on many roles and places. For example, a pastor may be your spiritual leader. You might have another person that also provides you spiritual leadership.

    In your home, there is usually a leader. Sometimes it seems to be the pet and not a person. In our work lives, there is usually a leader. Then politically we have leaders, and there are leaders, too.

    Each leader has a place and a purpose. The leaders that overreach or the people who push their leaders to overreach can often sow discord and confusion.

    In Numbers, we read what is really the conclusion to a long struggle for who really is the leader of the people. Along “the road”, people regularly challenged Moses’ leadership (including his siblings, Aaron and Miriam). The family leaders tried to say they were the leaders of the entire community. They weren’t satisfied leading their tribe. They wanted all of Israel.

    When it came to Aaron’s priestly assignment, some leaders tried to do their own and suffered the consequences. They could not accept that one person “got the ”.

    This not to say that Moses and Aaron were perfect, not by a long shot. They made mistakes. It is quite possible that part of the constant struggle wasn’t just the pride of the other family leaders, but Moses’ and Aaron’s failures, too.

    In the specific case of Moses and Aaron, however, there was a unique circumstance. God had appointed them their roles directly. How the family leaders gained their authority is by accident of birth. God called Moses and Aaron directly.

    Each leader has a sphere of responsibility, authority, and influence. We often confuse the 3, however, which can lead to failures. Over time each of those can , too.

    lists outs apostles, prophets, teachers, miracle-workers, healers, helpers, leaders, tongues. It’s an interesting mix of roles. Oddly enough, one would think (especially the way the world thinks) that apostles, prophets, and teachers would be (by definition) leaders. Yet, Paul separates leaders. What this tells us that certain roles that we believe are automatically leaders aren’t necessarily so. This doesn’t fit into our mental boxes.

    We understand that someone can be a “thought” leader, but the idea that someone in supposed authority is not a leader can be hard to grasp. Yet, if you think about it, if you were a carpenter, you wouldn’t necessarily follow the horseman as he built a house.

    Lord, help us to have as lord in our lives. Grace us with wisdom to see the small quiet leaders in our lives, that we might follow you better. Grant us the eyes to see those you have called us to lead, that we fulfill your calling on our lives in regards to the lives of . Amen.

    1) For you, what are the top 3 characteristics of a leader? What are 2 of the worst characteristics you’ve seen in a leader?

    2) Why does leadership matter to God?

    3) Where are you a leader in your life?

  • Barrier Breaker

    Barrier Breaker

    Luke 16:19–31; Acts 16:1–5; 1 Corinthians 9:16–23 (read online ⧉)

    One of the more interesting things that is occurring in this event called COVID-19 and its physical distancing are the conversations that are going along with it. There are plenty of political and health conversations (neither necessarily with all the facts or research, and this comes from all corners). There are economic conversations. There are logistical conversations. There are, amazingly, religious conversations.

    For some of us, we are watching religious conversations regarding topics that some people had been thinking about (for example, communion online) for a time, to an immediate need. There are those that were dismissive (at best) of having any sort of online (and dismissing those who had it as shallow) who now are doing their best to understand what it means to actually do it.

    Then, there are those who need to be theologically “correct” who have decided to do nothing. Taking a prophet’s words out of context, they kicked their sheep out to the wolves because they couldn’t feed them the “right” grass. Yes, that is more than a bit snarky.

    However, this a different form of the conversation continually had and that Paul was having.

    In Jesus’ story of the beggar Lazarus (not to be confused with the Lazarus who was brought back to life), Abraham points out to the rich man that the prophets and the laws were already there. He and his brothers either didn’t see them, ignored them (either of these two would fit in the context of Jesus’ story), or believe that they were rich thus they were (a common belief then and now).

    How does this apply? Well, the so-called righteous was not be lived through the filter of the Law or the prophets. In other words, they confused results, riches, and with being followers of God.

    Paul, on the other hand, knew that he was dealing with the “blind”. He did an odd thing. He circumcised Timothy. As this was all part of the context of delivering the message from the Apostles about what Gentiles needed to do to be “right”, we understand that Paul did not impose this upon Timothy because Timothy needed it to be done to be righteous. Paul did it so that there would be one less barrier between Timothy (and Paul) and the Jews.

    Paul’s mission was to share the Gospel. He understood that there would be barriers (mental, emotional, logical, theological) between him and others. He would do his best (without violating the Way of Jesus) to identify with them enough to remove barriers and build .

    Often, even usually, people want others to remove their barriers. However, the of Jesus Christ should be goading us to remove our barriers so that the message of the Gospel is receivable by others. Whether it is online, in person, through music, through television, or some other medium we need to remove our barriers.

    It is not their responsibility to closer to us. It is our responsibility to move closer to them. How do we know this? God came down as a baby. The infinite became the finite. We could not remove the barriers between ourselves and God. Only God could.

    ※ Prayer ※
    God, help us to our ways for your ways. Help us set aside our desires for your desires. Help us to reach people with the Gospel who neither know nor believe they need it. Amen.

    1) What is one thing that keeps you from “agreeing” or “getting along” with people from another political party? Why does that one thing matter to you? Why might that one thing matter to them differently?
    2) One of Jesus’ lessons is that our religiosity can inhibit others from having a relationship with God. What might one religious thing of yours might that be?
    3) Why is it so important to understand that we have the responsibility to approach others? What might that mean for our daily lives?

  • Serving Service

    Serving Service

    Acts 6:1–7; 1 Corinthians 12:4–11; 2 Corinthians 9:1–15 (read online ⧉)

    One of the struggles that the as in this day (without COVID-19) is people to serve. The seven that were by the people and deputized by the Apostles had a particular service to the widows of the community.

    The Apostles set out some expectations. They would not wait on tables. We, probably, think that it’s obvious that the Apostles wouldn’t be waiting on tables. However, that they used that wording tells us that at least some of the people had that exact expectation.

    Once we all return to “church” (as in the building), all the patterns that make for a worshiping and serving community will be for a change. This is not because anything in particular was bad, but because it is a time for renewal, and all the habits that were built up have been destroyed.

    Each person has a particular calling or two for the church. It doesn’t mean that we can’t or won’t do multiple things, it just means that there are one or two that are our sweet spot between God’s on our lives and our talents and our gifts.

    Caring for one another, however, is very important, and for many, it is quite difficult. This is not necessarily because they are bad people (or even introverts), it is because they have developed habits that are less gregarious than . The whole COVID-19 for them is probably making these habits worse. They may well be the ones that struggle the most when we get back .

    The other interesting and frustrating part about COVID-19 and physical distancing is that creates an uncomfortable, and almost irreconcilability to the call to serve one another and to stay away from each other. Many people need service, but yet to be responsible we are to stay away.

    Some have found a balance. Some haven’t. Yet, it is something we all need to wrestle with, and this will still be the case when we come back together. When we come back together may indeed be the hardest to find a way to serve each other and yet maintain our distance.

    ※ Prayer ※
    Lord Jesus, you commanded us to love one another. Help us to figure out what that means when we are torn between things that seem to be opposed. Let the Holy Spirit guide our hearts and minds so that we are able to and experience the loving and of God the . Amen.

    ※ Questions ※
    1) What is a new thing you could do to serve others? What is a new thing you could do to serve the church?
    2) Are any of the above something you could do now? Why or why not?
    3) When you think of church, are you primarily serving, or are you primarily being served? What can you do to “flip the script”?

  • Throne of Hearts

    Psalm 47; Job 23:3–12; Job 26:2–14; John 1:43–51 (read online ⧉)

    The Stone of Scone is a stone that supposedly all the “legitimate” rulers of Scotland were/are crowned on. After one of the many wars between England and Scotland, the English King Edward I took the stone to England, where it generally remained until 1996 as the coronation “cushion” of the (soon) British Crown. One of the legends of the stone was that when the “real” heir to the Scottish throne was crowned, the stone would groan.

    The legend, of course, probably had more to “prove” that the English nobility had no “true” right to the Scottish crown than anything else. There was also the that the stone’s home was really Scotland, but became the cushion of the usurpers.

    Thrones were/are the symbols of legitimate authority over a nation or community. There is still plenty of royalty who sit on thrones. As monarchies die off and lose their importance, thrones have been replaced.

    In the United States, the Oval Office could be considered at least a throne room. If you were to look at the arrangements of the Senate, the House of Representatives, and the Supreme Court, you will see similarities between the chairs of leaders and thrones. That isn’t by chance.

    We seek throne rooms and thrones. Not always for ourselves, but to understand who is in charge, and often who we can blame.

    Job seeks the throne of God to plead his case (another reason people seek thrones). Job believes that were he only to get there and plead his case, everything would get better.

    Job defends or describes God with many positive terms and observations of God’s . Yet, Job talks about God obscuring the throne. This could be an observation, however, where it is among Job’s words, it is likely a complaining observation (God is making it hard to find him).

    With God, though, while it may seem while God is far away or hidden, it is often our hearts that are truly far away. Job’s story is not about God’s lack of presence, it is more about Job’s .

    We see just how close God is to us through the life of . Jesus calls people into his presence. His throne is with him at all times. Jesus drew people to him that dismissed on the very outset (such as Nathanael). Sometimes the throne we are seeking is right there next to us, but we are looking for something that God does not always make known the way we want God to. God’s throne could be the sun, the Milky Way, the person next to you, in your and soul.

    The last “throne room”, though, is the one we like the least. It often reminds us of how small we are. It also reminds us of how spiteful or petty we are. That’s not the throne room we are looking for. It is also the throne room that tells us that we have far to go; we are not there yet.

    Dear Heavenly , help us to see the throne you occupy in our lives. May we see your majesty and royalty. Jesus, thank you for the cleansing work in our lives, help us to keep the Godly throne room in our hearts and souls clean. Spirit, guide our work so that we do it all for God’s and not our own. Amen.

    1) How do you envision a throne room?

    2) If you had to choose the most important throne room of the world, where would it be? Who would be in it? (Note: context of the world; God/Jesus is not this answer)

    3) What kind of person draws you closer to them? What does that tell you what you look for in regards to God? What way might that mean you are not looking to God?