Tag: heart

  • Pridefully Divine

    Pridefully Divine

    Psalm 29; Isaiah 5:15–24; John 15:18–20, 15:26–27

    When we read about “divine beings” we, understandably, think about angels. What, however, makes a divine being…divine? Apart from God, there is no divine being that isn’t of God. Which becomes a little daunting theologically when we recognize we have the in us.

    To be clear, we are not gods (except, perhaps in our deluded fallen minds). We a created beings with the spark of divinity inside of us. It may be a fine line to some. It is a line as large as itself to . Yet, part of the divine spark responds to God, and God completes us. So, it’s not wrong (totally) to think in terms of the divine beings in Psalm 29:1. Just like those divine beings, we are called and made to glorify God.

    This seems contrary, in some ways, to the initial verses of Isaiah. Humanity will be brought low. Yet, it is often the arrogance of humanity that results in wars, animosity, and the general inability of getting along. It is also that particular thing, that when brought low, places humanity in the position of accepting God. One cannot truly accept God through arrogance.

    Even as we read further, the arrogance continues with demanding that God hurry up and accomplish God’s work. This all merely so humanity can understand it. Perhaps arrogance is the wrong . Self-absorbed is probably closer, while arrogance remains part of it.

    There there is a lot of doom.

    The last of today’s verses in Isaiah though starts with purifying. If you catch the wording, “ of ”, might it remind you of Pentecost when tongues of fire appeared? In this case, the tongues of fire are more of purification rather than empowerment. But that God and the “holy one” are tied into the same verse as “tongues of fire” really do seem to be somehow tied to Pentecost. Then again, that very well be reading too much into it (but it’s fun).

    And, while it doesn’t seem to be related when we understand the pride and arrogance of humanity as observed in Isaiah, ‘ words to his disciples (and thus to us) make more sense. The fallen nature of humanity has striven against God. For far too many, it evolved into hate. To be, once again, more along the lines of a divine being rather than fallen creation would indeed cause striving fallen humanity to hate and lash out at those who have been touched by God in such a way.

    If we take all of today’s into the picture, it makes perfect sense why Jesus warns the disciples that no matter how much they now have (or will have after Pentecost), they are still not greater than God. A good warning, as not too long after Pentecost, Peter performed his first miracle. The Companion (Comforter, Counselor) would come, and they would be tempted to think more of themselves, and even be called gods (Paul and Barnabas).


    • When has your pride hampered your relationships with others?
    • When has your pride hampered your with God?


    Lord, guard our hearts against the pride of the world. Let our pride be that you us and that you work through us recognizing that it is for you and for ourselves that we move about the world. Amen.

  • Divided Beauty Multiplied

    Divided Beauty Multiplied

    Psalm 104:24–34; Genesis 11:1–9; 1 Corinthians 12:12–27

    The US is not the biggest country in the world, not by landmass, not by population. Just like other countries our size and bigger, there are some weird things that happen as you states, regions, and sometimes even counties. There is a certain section of Washington that adds an “r” so that Washington becomes Warshington or washing becomes warshing. It’s an oddity that has even others of those born and raised in Washington confused.

    There are certain things one can say in the Western states that one avoids saying in the Eastern states. There is definitely a divide between the Northern states and the Southern states in regards to language. Sometimes the differences are functional, sometimes they are just some differences that bubbled up as languages and peoples came together or divided.

    Sometimes, even more strangely, is that when a number of people come together and form a new language, that becomes even more confused and nuanced. The internet, and all things connected through it, is like that now. New ways of communicating (emojis and abbreviations) are being used and often very misunderstood. There are even manufactured languages (Esperanto, Klingon, for example). We are constantly looking for new ways to communicate.

    The fall of the Tower of Babel echoes this need but in reverse. Humanity had this universal language. Humanity could communicate apparently quite well. Humanity, however, had lost its praising of God and now wanted to become God. Perhaps, even more than the story of the Fall in the Garden of Eden, this short story of the Tower of Babel illuminates the fallen heart.

    As with many things in the Scriptures, though, still breaks through. comments that the church (the Body and Bride of Christ) is made of many parts. Humanity is made of many parts and many languages. God is not limited by “the many”.

    Arguably, God is actually more glorified by the many differences that make up humanity and its languages. There are a few (sadly, too few) songs that can cross language barriers, where one can translate the original language into a different one, and still keep the meter and rhythm. Hearing a song you know sung in a different language and still being able to sing along is a beautiful of what God can do.

    It is humanity that is divided by language, people, skin color, nation, or ideology. The Holy speaks through all of God’s people that they can sing praises to God from the depths of their hearts the best way they know how.


    • Where are places you have seen the division of humanity bring glory to God?
    • How do you see divided humanity its divisions?
    • Do you think artistic activities are better able to overcome the differences than non-artistic? Why are why not?


    Lord, we recognize that we are divided. Through the Holy Spirit we are not called to be , we are united through. Transform our lives so that they match what the Spirit has done. Amen.

  • Sackcloth and Ashes

    Sackcloth and Ashes

    Psalm 115; Ezra 9:5–15; John 16:16–24

    Collective guilt has been on the top of many lists in the last year. Regardless of your political, philosophical, or religious of the collective guilt issues, it does allow us to better understand the pressure that Ezra felt…somewhat.

    Ezra was trying to make up for generations of sin against God. Granted, with the wages of slavery, it’s not as if the US doesn’t have its own weight to bear. Yet, it is not the same insofar as the US is not Israel (whether ancient or modern). There were expectations of ancient Israel that they chose not to follow. The were clear. They forgot God and disregarded God so much that they followed false gods made of metal and/or wood.

    Ezra knew that there really was no way to “make up” what had occurred. The order of Ezra’s actions should be noted. Ezra “ended” his penitential acts and THEN prayed to God, asking for forgiveness and acknowledging that it would only be by God’s will, grace, love, , and grace that the Israelites could be forgiven.

    While many reject the US guilt-debt, the guilt-debts are really quite small in comparison to all the guilt and shame we bear because of our personal, , and corporate sin (this is not to belittle them). As an overly individualistic culture, we object to being held to account for something we think we have no responsibility for. Perhaps it is not the US collective guilt that will be the big turning point for the US and the . Perhaps it will be the recognition that scripturally we do have corporate responsibilities, and it is our individualistic framework that has led us to ignore them.

    This continues to be a cultural time of learning. We are learning about ourselves (both good and bad). We are learning about others (again, both good and bad). It’s not as if this is particularly different than how it should be. The exception is that the world is holding a mirror to the church, and the church doesn’t like what it sees. One might argue that the world is holding up a distorted mirror, except that much of the church sees the same distortion as the world.

    This that we are feeling is one of and birth. The old self must die. The new one must come alive.

    Out of pain, despair, and being overwhelmed, many are understandably asking God, “what next?” It could be regarding finances. It could be about loving and serving your neighbor. It could be about what’s next for “the church”. It could be how to be more like .

    Jesus told his disciples that they wouldn’t for anything from God when Jesus left. This is the true gift of the Holy Spirit. When we are fully in tune with God through the Holy Spirit (rather than wants, desires, and even needs), then we don’t need to ask for anything for we will already be in the midst of God’s will, plan, and action.

    The most dangerous thing to both our individualistic notions and our corporate notions is when we pray to be in God’s will. When we ask that in Jesus’ and mean it from the heart, we begin to surrender our will to God’s…and that truly is only the beginning.


    What is your perspective of collective guilt? What brings you to that?How are collective and personal guilt different? How are they the same?


    Lord, our initial turn to you included our repentance. We know that as fallible beings, repentance needs to be a constant companion. Guide us into perseverance and humility to be people who pursue your righteousness in the face of our unrighteousness. Amen.

  • How We Wait

    How We Wait

    Psalm 1; John 17:6–19; 1 John 5:9–13; Acts 1:15–17; Acts 1:21–26

    One of the most – and eye-opening realizations for me was when I recognized that the provide didn’t provide all the of life, but did provide a framework from which to operate. Some call this a worldview, but the reality is that worldviews may be slightly different among the same group.

    When we look at the selection of Matthias, we can question the of selecting a disciple by casting lots. Though in this case, it’s really a toss-up (pun intended). The disciples had narrowed it down to two, which is pretty amazing. While we elevate the original 12 disciples (though it’s funny that we seem to remove Judas Iscariot automatically without thinking about there only being 11), Acts tells us that there were a total of 14 that spent the greatest amount of time with . Barnabas went on to be a successful evangelist and is closely associated with Paul (the “13th Apostle”). In other words, the events that followed seem to validate the result of the lots.

    Every Jew would understand the significance of there being 12. They would understand that this was a symbol to them; this was part of their .

    The stage is being set. The Disciples are getting . Jesus told them to in Jerusalem. They didn’t wait in a state of inaction. They readied what they believed was right and in such a way that they could respond. Then they waited for the fulfillment of the Jesus made.


    When have you waited for God passively? When have you waited for God while preparing? How did God in those different situations? How did you respond in those different situations?


    Jesus, we know that something is coming, for your kingdom is never still. Help our hearts and minds be prepared and looking for where you are moving. Amen.

  • Up and Away

    Up and Away

    Psalm 47; Ephesians 1:15–23; Luke 24:44–53; Acts 1:1–11

    If you’re of a certain , you’ll probably know the source of, “Up! Up! And away!” (Superman). If you’re of another age or particular family/ origin, you’ll probably know the song, “I’ll Fly Away”. Then there is the airline advertising slogan, “Wanna’ get away?” If none of these strike a chord, then perhaps Prince Hamlet’s soliloquy from Shakespeare’s Hamlet that talks about escaping the “mortal coil”.

    Regardless, there is a constant desire to “escape” or “get away.” Sometimes it’s couched in heroic language (Superman). Sometimes it’s couched in resonative religious language (“I’ll Fly Away”). Sometimes it’s couched in depressing or dismal language (the soliloquy of Prince Hamlet).

    Often, that desire to escape is the outpouring of emotions that seem to have no place to go when massive change comes. It might be only with a larger emotional event that we can move beyond our desire to fly away.

    No matter what, the disciples knew that the tension between and whatever was coming next (as Jesus promised) would , somehow. They were still in that uncomfortable and awkward in-between. Then Jesus takes them out to the mountain…and up he went.

    While Jesus’ Ascension is an important part of the story in the , Jesus’ Ascension is also the sign that the disciples must go .“…why are you standing here, looking toward heaven?” In other words, Jesus is gone. Time to do your end of the mission.

    Sometimes, even if the tension is uncomfortable, we rather stay with it, because moving forward means leaving something behind, and emotionally it may feel like death. We can see this in the seasons (at least in the less temperate climates). Fall has these bursts of beauty, but the tension is that the bursts are leading to endings.

    Then winter comes and the land is not-so lively anymore. The question for us is do we want to remain in a spiritual winter? Whether the disciples were in a spiritual Fall or Winter is probably more for the poets to determine. Spring is coming, however. As says, “I pray that the eyes of your heart will have enough light to see what is the hope of God’s call…”I don’t know what spiritual season of life you are in. In fact, different aspects of your life may have different spiritual seasons, so you may not even be able to tell.


    What endings are you seeing that you need Paul’s prayer for your life?


    Lord, many of us feel completely out of sorts, and we can’t figure out why. We try to name and analyze, but we will likely fail. Help us to stop looking back, and help us to look forward, and that our hearts will seek, see, and embrace the light that is you. Amen.

  • Places for Scripture

    Places for Scripture

    Psalm 93; Deuteronomy 11:18–21; Mark 16:19–20

    “Place these words…on your heart” and then fast to “…they went out and proclaimed the message everywhere.”One of the little truths about this passage in Deuteronomy is the very simple tool given that many turned into a soulless rule or merely room decor. God directed that God’s be placed everywhere in our lives, even on door frames! You can go to places like Michael’s and Hobby Lobby and find the available for room decor. You can do it simply with a piece of paper and tape.

    Honestly, I used to disparage the use of Scripture as decor, mostly because I saw it in too many homes and places that seemed anything but filled with God’s . However, it is certainly not fair to God’s Word that I should be that way. As we read, it’s actually bad that I thought that way. I have found peace and redemptive actions in simply reading a verse of Scripture or that which reminds me of the Scriptures as I walk around my home.

    At my paying job (purchasing manager in manufacturing), I’ve been told that my workspace is too white (white walls, no decor). Over the last few days (before this devotion), I’ve been thinking that I need some of the Scriptures in my work life. Will it be visible? Yes. Will it be there for others to see? If they wish. I’m going to put it there for me so that I —when that really irritating person walks through my door for the umpteenth time that day—whose I am, and who I am to reflect. It won’t be there to provide the appearance of a warm and cozy home. It is for me to remember.

    Remember. The whole point of Moses’ directive is so that the Israelites (and we) remember. For a number of years, I heard the same passage from 1 John 1 read at the beginning of every Sunday church service as part of the opening corporate confession of sin. Then we left that church , we stopped hearing it. I can still quote it. It gives me great peace, too, and gives direction to grace to others. It’s a whopping four verses.

    So, if you remember and share the words, what about the signs? That is a great question! How do you know a Christian? How they ? How they dress? How they spend? How they give? How they receive? Yes, to all of these and more! It’s not very easy. That is one of the pitfalls of our post-Enlightenment world. The world, and we, want an easy answer to determine who is in and who is out.

    Except, as we read the Scriptures when can that when we “know” who is in and who is out we stop loving God and loving others…which may mean we’re out.


    • What ways are you open to bring the Scriptures regularly into your life? What ways are you currently using? Which ones are you thinking about adding?
    • What are some reasons that we should have some of the Scriptures deep within us as we share the of Jesus?


    Holy , quicken our hearts and mind to want more of you and the Word inside of us, that we may be emboldened and encouraged to go into the world seeking to transform it by your love coming through us. Amen.

  • Junk Food Fast

    Junk Food Fast

    Psalm 80; Isaiah 5:1–7; Galatians 5:16–26

    Both Psalm 80 and the passage from Isaiah 5 are not warmhearted Scriptures. They both address the reality that the Israelites have not been to God.

    Other places in the Scriptures note that the Israelites were faithful in their actions, or at least they attempted to complete the requirements of the Law. Those same places, however, observed that while the actions were “per the book”, their hearts were far away from the of the Law (true purpose). It could be said that they were further from the heart of the Law than they were from their relationship to God, and that’s saying something.

    As I am looking to sending my last 2 kids to college this fall, I couldn’t help but reflect on my own college freshman year. One of the first things I thought of was the food (like any teenage male). Yes, it was cafeteria food, but like most male teenagers it was quantity, not quality. One of my favorite foods was corn dogs, which I still like. The quantity I would eat at one sitting hurts my stomach at this point. One or two corn dogs a month wouldn’t be horrible, but it wasn’t one or two, and it wasn’t once a month.

    Corn dogs are, bluntly, junk food. They’re tasty (to me, at least). Hot dogs can be okay for you (really, they’re just a sausage). Cornbread isn’t too bad (depending). The combination, especially deep-fried, is not healthy. On the other hand, if one were to only eat a particular food, no matter how healthy it might be on its own, our bodies would break down, as no food has all the nutrients that our bodies need.

    While misunderstanding God’s intent is one thing, but doing wrong is something different. ‘s message to Galatians talks about the spiritual “junk food” that they were consuming. What we have been taught to think of as sins (understandably) were the ways of the surrounding culture.

    They were part of the surrounding culture and thus were a norm. As these practices were part of the culture, learning to understand that they were not part of a God-honoring would require self- and discipline. If they were to continue their cultural practices, their spiritual bodies would become fatally obese.

    G.K. Chesterton wrote, “the Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting; it has been found difficult and left untried.”

    For the Galatians, dieting from their cultural norms and expectations would have been found very difficult, and probably a little hard to explain to their friends and . For American Christians, so much of our culture has what we think are Christian trappings, but is actually the junk food of the American culture. Figuring out what is healthy and what is not in our culture for the Christian life is the obligation of the Christian community.

    Without question, though, there is a need for significant spiritual dietary changes.


    • What is one thing you know is an American Christian “thing”, but isn’t present among Christians in other countries?
    • How are you evaluating the culture around you and its influence on your walk with Christ?
    • Are you rightly evaluating the cultural pieces you agree with and with?


    Lord, we need the to our spiritual diet. Help us, in community, to work out what is and isn’t of you. Amen.

  • Restoration


    Psalm 95; Micah 7:8–20; Mark 14:26–31

    In this passage in Micah, Zion is the personification of Jerusalem and the Promised Land. Zion also takes on the aspect of the people themselves. What is interesting is that Zion proclaims in regards to God, but the actual people weren’t open to that way of thinking.

    The recognition that the consequences of destruction are well-earned is also something many of the people would not understand. If we are honest with ourselves, none of us like the negative consequences of our actions. We only want the positive ones.

    The poetic hyperbole of the rebuilding of Zion is about the speed of restoration versus the speed of falling into one’s own mire. God gave the descendents of Israel plenty of time to allow themselves to descend into the mess of their own making. God also gave them plenty of time to . They chose not to.

    God still them, though, just as God still loves us even when continue to do things that God does not want us to do. That is the beauty and the grace in the poetic rebuilding of Zion. In many respects, we can see a resemblance to what occurs when a person first truly gives their to Christ. Restoration! Restoration of our with God is always there waiting for our surrender.

    When the disciples made such sure and quick promises to Jesus that they would never him, their words were honest to the best of their understanding. However, once the hard times came, they quickly ran away (granted, after today’s verses). They were truly overwhelmed by the (, religious, cultural, and political) that came to take Jesus.

    They made a rash proclamation and broke it quickly after. Jesus still came and restored the relationship. Restoration is always around the corner.


    • How has God restored you? Can you recall how many times? What lessons were learned from them? What person or people were common in any of these experiences (whether individuals or roles)?
    • What does this tell you about God? What does it tell you about yourself?


    Lord, under your grace and , we are always under construction. Thank you for working on us. Help us to surrender each wall, door, or room of our hearts that is not like you. Amen.